Fatty Liver

The condition of fatty liver takes place when the fats and triglycerides deposit in the liver. This is a reversible process and occurs due to heavy intake of alcohol. However, this condition is categorized into two groups – Alcoholic and nonalcoholic. Certain medicines, certain disorders like Wilson, diabetes also result in fatty liver condition. Fatigue, jaundice, edema, bruising and discomfort are the major symptoms of the fatty liver condition.



Ginger is considered to be the best herb for detoxification. This is because of the presence of the shogaols and gingerols in it. These enhance the process of treatment by removing the unwanted materials from the liver. This is highly beneficial.

  1. Take 2 tsps of freshly grated ginger.
  2. Add them in a cup of hot water.
  3. Keep for 10 minutes.
  4. Consume the tea twice on a daily basis.


Another wonderful home remedy is the green tea. Green tea has anti-oxidating properties and contains catechins. This helps in flushing out the toxins from the body easily.

  1. Take 1 tsp of green tea.
  2. Add in a cup of hot water.
  3. Boil it for 5 minutes.
  4. Consume it slowly.
  5. Repeat the process daily to get benefitted.


Lemon has a lot of anti-oxidants, vitamins and helps in preparing glutathione. This helps in treating t he fatty liver complication effectively.

  1. Take a lemon and cut into halves.
  2. Extract the juice of lemon in a glass of warm water.
  3. Drink the solution in empty stomach on a daily basis.


  1. One of the essential home remedies for fatty liver is garlic. Garlic has sulfur and anti-oxidating, detoxification properties. It has a lot of Vitamin C and helps in enhancing the immune system significantly.
  2. Consumption of 2 – 3 raw and fresh cloves of garlic in empty stomach is recommended to treat the condition of fatty liver effectively.

These home remedies are extremely useful in the treatment of fatty liver condition !!