Ayurvedic Treatment of Bell’s Palsy

Bell's palsy

About Bell’s palsy

Bell’s palsy is a disorder, which mostly happens due to temporary weakness of the facial muscles. This disorder develops suddenly and affects one side of the face. In this disease complete paralysis or numbness is experienced in the facial region. The cranial nerve that controls the functioning of facial muscles on the face shows incapability to send to brain and receive signals from it. Patients suffering from this disorder show helplessness towards controlling movement of their facial muscles. This has been a very common type of facial paralysis and neurologic disorder involving the cranial nerve all throughout the globe.

What are the Causes of Bell’s palsy?

The cranial nerve is responsible for monitoring movements of the muscles in the facial region and ear region. This nerve extends from the brain to the face.

The primary cause of this disorder is the herpes virus, which causes inflammation of this nerve. This is the same virus that is responsible for sore throat, flu, cold and genital herpes.

Apart from herpes, there can be a few other viruses such as chickenpox and shingles viruses for causing this painful disease.

People, who are suffering from migraine headache, are more susceptible to getting affected by this disorder. Migraine headache increases the chances of this nervous system disorder by two times.

What are the Symptoms you can see in Bell’s palsy?

  • Facial paralysis and no control over facial muscles
  • Unable to taste or loses sense of taste
  • Feeling weakness of the muscles and nerves in the facial region
  • Difficulty in closing eyes
  • Pain in and outside ears
  • Numbness of the jaws, forehead, cheek, mouth region
  • Blurred view
  • In attempt to raise eyebrows, the forehead region affected by Bell’s palsy remains flat
  • Smiling distorts the face of the patient

What are the Complications of Bell’s palsy?

The damage that happens to the facial nerve can lead to various complications.

Some of them have been described below:

  • One can experience unusual contractions of facial muscles. Some of the effect of this contraction can be involuntarily closing of one of the eyes or lifting of one side of the mouth when trying to smile.
  • A patient can permanently lose the sense of taste.
  • A person can shed tears while eating. Though this complication can be fully healed but sometimes it can also be long lasting.
  • Patient’s eyelids cannot be properly shut due to the inefficiency of the lubricating tear film. The result of such complication is the dryness of cornea and lowering the production of tears. In some cases, it can get very severe and can lead to permanent loss of eye sight.

How to Diagnosis Bell’s palsy?

The sooner the diagnosis starts, better it will be for the patient to recover from its detrimental impact. The doctor will carefully see all the symptoms and causes that are leading to such facial paralysis. A comprehensive checkup will be performed of the areas including head, neck and ears of the patient. Some of the visible evidences can be presence of tumor, stroke or Lyme disease. Facial muscles are also evaluated precisely to figure out if any other nerve other than cranial nerve is impacted due to this disorder.

On the basis of thorough examination, if the doctor detects any change in facial structure then it can be a sign of a tumor. A visible rash can be a sign of Lyme disease. To confirm the presence of Bell’s palsy, a patient can be advised to consult a specialized ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist i.e., an otolaryngologist. An otolaryngologist will examine the patient’s condition and would prescribe following tests for accurate identification of problem.

These tests are:

  • Electromyography (EMG)
  • MRI, CT scans and X-ray
  • Oral examination
  • Neurologic examination

Herbal Remedies for Bell’s Palsy

Planet Ayurveda offers best combination of effective herbal remedies such as Bell’s Palsy Care Pack for ayurvedic treatment of bell’s palsy. We provides 100 percent pure and natural products. All of them are free from side effects and are safe to use. And they are formulated by MD Ayurveda doctors. All of the medicines from the house are made without the addition of chemicals or additives or preservatives in it.


  1. Ashwagandha Capsule – 1 capsule twice daily with warm water after meals.
  2. Curcumin Capsule- 1 capsule twice daily with warm water after meals.
  3. Brahmi Capsule – 1 capsule twice daily with warm water after meals.
  4. Nirgundi Oil – Gentle massage over the face once daily.
  5. Gandhak Rasayan- 2 tablets twice daily with warm water after meals.
  6. Brahma Rasayan- 1 teaspoonful twice daily with warm water after meals.

Products Description

1. Ashwagandha Capsules

Ashwagandha capsules of Planet Ayurveda are packed with pure extract of best quality Ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is Withania somnifera scientifically. Regular use of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) capsules give support back to muscles, act as a muscle-relaxant and improve the nervous system. Ashwagandha is a nerve tonic and it enhances physical and mental stamina. It also helps to strengthen the facial muscles and improve Bell’s palsy’s painful symptoms.

2. Curcumin Capsules

Curcumin capsules of Planet Ayurveda are packed with standardized extract of Curcumin, an active compound of turmeric. This is best known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and natural analgesic properties. Curcumin reduces the inflammation of affected nerve and helps to provide relief from facial pain, numbness and other associated symptoms. Also this reduces the stiffness and pain around ear, jaw and mouth.

3. Brahmi Capsules

Brahmi capsules of Planet Ayurveda are packed with pure extract of best quality Brahmi. Brahmi is known as Bacopa monnieri scientifically. Brahmi is an excellent brain tonic which improves over all nervous system. This enhances normal brain functions and reduces pain and stiffness of affected part with its actions and properties. It provides strength to facial nerve so that it starts functioning normally and very well. As it pacifies vata dosha, is very helpful in all kind of nervous disorders including Bell’s palsy.

4. Nirgundi oil

Nirgundi oil contains Nirgundi (Vitex nigundo) with other ingredients like Haridra (Curcuma longa), Manjista (Rubia cordifolia), and Kalihari (Dichrostachys cinerea). This is used for local application. Regular massage with nirgundi oil helps to strengthen the affected part and reduces pain, numbness and other associate symptoms efficiently.

5. Gandhak Rasayan

This classical herbal preparation is prepared from purified sulphur. It gives very effective results in Bell’s palsy patients. The tablets are anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial & immuno modulator in nature.

6. Brahma Rasayan

This rasayan is prepared from ingredients like Vacha (Acorus calamus), Shankhpushpi (Clitoria ternatea), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Pippali (Piper longum) and Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) etc that gives effective results in Bell’s palsy patients. Brahma rasayan is an herbal preparation that rejuvenates body and fight against stress, fatigue, tiredness & early grey hairs. The rasayan increase memory, immunity & intelligence.

To buy Bell’s Palsy Care Pack, please visit store.planetayurveda.com/products/bells-palsy-care-pack.

Dietary Guidelines

  • As per Ayurveda, Facial paralysis or Ardita is a condition caused because of aggravation of the vata dosha which results in difficulty in chewing with affected part.
  • It is necessary to take a diet which is simple, healthy, nutritious, easily digestible balanced diet that balances the vata in Bell’s palsy patients.
  • Avoid all cold and dry food stuffs which increases dryness of body.
  • Avoid taking much sour foods.
  • Avoid eating packed and junk foods.
  • Practice pranayama and yoga.