What is Acacia?
It is a well-known herb which has been used since year in Ayurvedic medicines. Acacia is a small thorny deciduous tree from genus Senegalia. It is large tree but not well tall and has prickly branches with winged leaves bluish green in color, and the flower of the herbal tree is yellow. The trunk of the tree is thick and top spreading. It is grows in semi-desert regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as Oman, Pakistan, west coastal India.
What is the Classification of the Herb?
- Kingdom – Plantae
- Clade – Angiosperms
- Clade – Eudicots
- Clade – Rosids
- Order – Fabales
- Family – Fabaceae
- Genus – Senegalia
- Species – S.senegal
What are the Other Name of the Herb?
- Hindi – Babul, Kikar
- English – Babul, Black Babul, Indian Gum arabic tree
- Ayurvedic – Babbuuri, Baavari, Shuulikaa, Shitaka, Kinkiraata, Yugmakantaka, Sukshmapatra, Pitapushpaka
- Gujarati – Babaria, Baval, Kaloabaval
- Bengali – Babla, Babul, Babool
- Kannada – Gobbli, Karijali
- Malyalam – Karivelan, Karuvelum
- Oriya – Bambuda, Baubra
- Punjabi – Sak
- Tamil – Kaluvelamaram, Karrivelei, Karuvael, Karuvelam
War are the Medicinal Properties of the Herb?
- Rasa (taste) – Kashaya – Astringent
- Guna (qualities) – Guru – Heavy, Rooksha – Dry
- Veerya – Sheeta – Coolant
- Vipaka – Katu – Pungent taste conversion after digestion.
- The herb is used to balances Kapha Dosha. The gum raisin of this herb has the property to balance the Pitta and Vata doshas.
What is the Action of the Herb as Per Parts Used?
- General – Kaphahahara, grahi, visaghna
- Gum – Grahi, vrsya, sonitasthapana
- Fruits – Stambhana, asthisandhanakara
What are the Benefits of Acacia Powder?
The herb Acacia is very beneficial for managing many health issues. It is highly soluble fiber which helps in:-
- Lowering the cholesterol levels
- Manage and maintain blood sugar level
- Used for digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Reduces the inflammation in gut
- Ease the constipation
- Treats the diarrhea
- Support weight loss efforts
- Maintains Liver Health
How Acacia is Helpful in Tooth and Gum related Problems?
The fresh or dried twig of the herbal plant is used to brush the teeth which cures many problems related to teeth and gums. The Benefits of it are:-
- Strengthens teeth and gums.
- Antimicrobial action that causes reduction in oral problems.
- Reduces plaque formation.
- Reduces gingival inflammation (inflammation of the gums).
- Causes alkalinity of saliva that is pH of saliva increases which helps in protecting teeth from cavities, decay.
- Prevents cavities, gum swelling.
How is Acacia Helpful in Dhatu Rog, Night fall, Leucorrhoea?
The herb is heavy and dry by property which helps in balancing the kapha dosha in the body. As Kapha dosha is balanced the formation of mucous is managed and thus the problem is managed.
Pods and seeds to be dried in shade. Grind to make powder. Take twice a day with mishri.
How is Acacia Helpful in IBS?
The herb is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant by nature which helps in balancing the tridoshas dosha in the body. As the dosha are balanced the formation of mucous is managed and thus the problem is managed.
How is Acacia Helpful in Diarrhea?
The herb has Stambhak quality which stops and manages all the disturbance in the body. It has cooling effect and balances the tridoshas.
Use Babul leaves along with white and black cumin seeds thrice in a day. A drink made of Babul’s bark can also be taken for the same purpose.
How is Acacia Helpful in Controlling and Managing the Blood Pressure Level?
The herb has the quality of controlling and pacifying the vata dosha which is helpful in maintaining the healthy level of Blood Pressure.
How is Acacia Helpful in Managing the Cholesterol?
The astringent (Kashya) property of the herb manages and controls the increased level of cholesterol. Cholesterol at healthy level reduces the risk of many heart problems so it’s good to have controlled cholesterol. Adding Acacia gum to the diet helps in lowering the cholesterol levels.
How is Acacia Helpful in Weight Loss?
Acacia herb has astringent and bitter property which is helpful in reducing the excess fat in the body. By the use of herb it’s easy to manage healthy body weight. Use of Acacia gum raisin is very beneficial in fat loss.
How is Acacia Helpful in Diabetes?
The Dietary fiber plays a role in regulating blood sugar. The bitter property present in Acacia helps in controlling and managing healthy level of Sugar. Add Acacia in your daily food and it will boost the daily fiber and in turn aid in regulating blood sugar level.
How is Acacia Helpful in Increases and Boosting the Immunity?
The extract of the herb increase the immunity. Acacia has antioxidant property which removes the toxins out of the body and thus increases the immunity. We can also say it’s a good detoxifier.
What are the Side Effects of Acacia?
There are some specific side effects related with Acacia.
- It creates an unpleasant feeling in the mouth, sometimes mild nausea and diarrhea.
- Consult your physician before starting Acacia it might create complications like high cholesterol or respiratory problems.
- Shortness of breath may be one side effect of Acacia in person who are allergic to it.
- Rhinitis and conjunctivitis are also some of the side effects.
- Acacia should not be taken by the pregnant women.
- Acacia contain toxic chemicals that could cause hair loss, affect your digestive tract’s ability to take in nutrients, and stunt growth. Do not consume a form of acacia that you’re not familiar with.
Used Part
Whole plant
- Infants – Not Recommended
- Children – 5 to 10 ml (1 to 2 tsp.)
- Adults – 10 to 20 ml (2 to 4 tsp.)
- Pregnancy – Not Recommended
- Geriatric (Old age) – 10 to 20 ml (2 to 4 tsp.)
- Maximum Possible Dosage (per day or in 24 hours)
- 60 ml (In Divided Doses)
- Twice a day with water.