ShilajitShilajit is a rare herbo-mineral compound and perhaps nature’s most potent rejuvenator and anti-ageing supplement ever known to mankind. This substance is native to himalayan region and there are many magical properties attribute to shilajit regarding its use as anti-ageing, stamina enhancing, libido increasing, sperm count increasing capability. Shilajit capsules are one of the best and palatable forms of Shilajit. We are using 500 mg standardized extract of Shilajit in our purely vegetarian, preservative free, chemicals free Shilajit capsules.

Due to the quality of the Shilajit we are getting regular and repeated customers from around the world for our Shilajit.

Uses of Shilajit

  1. Lack of Energy, Strength and stamina
  2. Erectile dysfunction
  3. Premature ejaculation
  4. Anti-Ageing
  5. Tiredness
  6. Diabetes and weakness due to diabetes

Shilajit is nature’s gift to mankind. It is an excellent natural remedy for weakness due to any reason. It not only cures general weakness but also sexual weakness in men. Shilajit has an excellent role in erectile dysfunction of men due to diabetes and other reasons. Shilajit is one of the best anti-ageing natural remedy.

Shilajit Capsules

Our company provides worlds best quality Shilajit capsules in Vegi caps without any chemicals or preservatives. We are one of the leading suppliers of Shilajit to many countries.

Actions of Shilajit

Shilajit is a powerful rejuvenator of body

Shilajit has high affinity for free radicals there by scavenges on them halting the gaining process making us to attain our youth

Shilajit is helpful in increasing blood circulations

Shilajit provides minerals and vitamins.

  • Serving Size – 1 Vegi Cap
  • Servings Per Container – 60
  • Each 500 mg Capsule Contains – Best Quality Herbal Extract of Shilajit 6:1

Dosage of Shilajit

2 capsules once or twice daily, with plain water or with warm milk, after meals.

Why our Shilajit Capsule are Best in the World ?

Our Shilajit capsules are packed in Vegeterian capsule shells. Our Shlajit capsules contain fresh Shilajit extract sourced from himalayan mountains and is rich in natural fulvic acid content which is the major reason for activity of Shilajit. Fulvic acid is not an acid but is nature’s best anti-oxidant and an alkalizer. Read more about Fulvic acid

More Uses of Shilajit

  • General health debility
  • Decreased immunity
  • Low physical performance
  • Reduced muscle, bones and nerves performances
  • Helps acclimatize to newer environmental and climatic conditions
  • As an Anti-oxidant agent
  • Defense against Allergy symptoms
  • As a nutritive agent
  • As an asthmatic agent.
  • improving liver functions
  • By improving cardiac functions
  • improving the CNS functions
  • As an Anti-stress agent.
  • As an Adaptogenic agent
  • As an powerful Aphrodisiac

Contraindications and Side Effects of Shilajit

Shilajit has no contraindication and is completely safe for consumption if taken in normal and prescribed dosage.

Side Effects of Shilajit

No Side effects, Can be used with other herbal Supplements, Vitamins or other herbal remedies or natural products.

Constituents of Our Shilajit Capsules

Each capsule of Shilajit contains 500mg of purified and shuddha Shilajit.

S. No. Latin Name Indian Name English Name Quantity
1. Bitumen Shilajit Mineral Pitch 500 mg Extract

Shiljit In Urinary Problems and Prostate Problem

Shilajit is useful for the proper kidney functions. It is effective burning sensation during micturation, incontinence of urine resulted from enlarged prostate or stone in the bladder or kidney. Shilajit is an excellent natural remedy for Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy.

Shilajit as an aphrodisiac – Increases Sex Drive

Shilajit, is an aphrodisiac. It has been found that the use of shilajit is beneficial to increase the libido in an individual. It is also called as “Indian Viagra” or an alternative to Viagra. Shilajit is an aphrodisiac which is used for the treatment of impotency and infertility in both men and women.


  • Shilajit fastens the progression of protein and nuclei acid metabolism and excite energy providing reactions that are needed for carrying out day to day activities.
  • Shilajit also increases the central energy (oja, the essence of energy) responsible for your sexual and spiritual power.
  • Shilajit is also comprehensively used in the cure of diabetes mellitus (DM) and normalizes the blood glucose level
  • Shilajit supports the movement of vitamins and minerals, mostly that of calcium (Ca), phosphorous (P), and magnesium (Mg) into muscles and bones to make them muscular and endurable.
  • Shilajit raises the immunity of the body to fight against external agents that are responsible for causing diseases in our body.
  • Shilajit is very much prescribed to the patients who are weak or have been over coming from long-drawn-out sickness or from any surgical procedure.
  • Shilajit is very efficient in treating arthritic conditions like amavata or rheumatoid arthritis (RA), sandhigata vata or osteoarthritis (OA), vatarakta or gouty arthritis and other joint related difficulty.
  • Shilajit is very helpful in easing from the agony of LBP i.e. lower back pain.
  • Shilajit works as an anti-inflammatory agent due to its similar pharmacological properties like that of betamethasone, a glucocortocoid without causing any side effects.
  • Shilajit helps in intensification of our nervous system there by very helpful in curing nervine diseases like paralysis, hemiplegia etc.
  • Shilajit is also helpful in curing various mental diseases like depression, stress, epilepsy, convulsions and mental tiredness.
  • Shilajit is also capable of curing conditions like piles, fissures and anal fistulas
  • Shilajit helps in purifying blood as it has the anti microbial properties.
  • Shilajit helps in increasing the strength and stamina in males. It works as an aphrodisiac agent and male health enhancer thereby helps in raising the sperm count and also helps in improving their quality.
  • Shilajit helps in scrapping away of extra adipose tissue (related to fat) piled up in your body thus helps in providing slim, beautiful and healthy looks.
  • As the Shilajit has ushna (hot) virya (potency), it is very helpful in repressing pain thereby helps in relieving from all the diseases that is being caused by vata vitiation.
  • Shilajit is a powerful anti aging agent thus helps in delaying the aging process in the body.

Role of Shilajit in Diabetes

As in the individuals that are suffering from high blood sugar thus eventually are the victims of diabetes for them Shudh Shilajit is very beneficial and is advised by the various Ayurvedic texts.

Shilajit as Antioxidant

Antioxidants can safely neutralize a free radical without becoming a free radical them self. Shilajit is a powerful antioxidant that has an added benefit of being able to cross the blood-brain barrier. Thus it is even used for the purpose to reverse the senile changes.

Shilajit as Anti-inflammatory

Shilajit is a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It has been shown to reduce acute chemically induced edema by 77%. The same antioxidant properties even help to prevent inflammation.

Shilajit in Anemia

Iron is the very basic requirement of the red blood cells. Shilajit is a good source of trace minerals and contains iron.

Role of Shilajit in Arthritis

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Shilajit help to decrease and relieve joint inflammation and pain. Their effects on the neurotransmitters in the brain also seem to help relieve joint pain.

Role of Shilajit in high Cholesterol

Shilajit also lowers serum cholesterol, liver cholesterol, serum triglycerides and serum phospholipids Shilajit helps in the transport of nutrients deep into the tissue and removal of the deep-seated toxins. Shudh Shilajit improves the memory and the ability to handle stress. Shilajit reduces recovery time of the muscles, bones and nerve injuries. Shilajit stimulates the immune system and reduces chronic fatigue. It is a Rasayana that helps against the immune disorders, urinary tract disorders, nervous disorders and sexual dissatisfaction.

Shilajit products are found to be having a very vast beneficial effects to the individual who consumes it which can be mainly shortlisted as Male sex Enhancement, Diabetes, Arthritis, Cholesterol, Hypertension, Anti Aging.

Its regular intake promotes the movement of various minerals like calcium, phosphorus and magnesium into the bones and tissues. The active principle in shilajit fulvic acid regenerates and prolonges the duration of essential nutrients in the cells. Fulvic acid found to be restoring the electrical balance into the damaged cells, neutralizing the toxins and the elimination of the various poisons or any deleterious substances within the food.

Shilajit products found to be preventing the release of the Histamine into the blood stream therefore it further eventually results in the suppression of the various allergies in the body. Shilajit even is the regular supplier of the iron to the individual thus maintaining the normal body functions aas the iron is a very important component of blood. It also acts as a stimulant for immune system. Shilajit enhances the metabolism of proteins and nucleic acids which enact as the catalyst for the energy providing reactions. It is a strong kidney tonic and is also considered the best for sexual. It is commonly referred to as Indian Viagra. Thus producing a strong erection in males. It has beneficial liver protecting effects that balances the cholesterol and sugar levels in the body. It acts as an adaptogenic agent that helps the body to cope with stress causing environment. Therefore, it is also considered as an anti-stress agent. It improves the functioning of pancreas, increases the blood circulation and provides strength to the digestive system. It is also used for the treatment of hypothyroidism as it controls the activity of thyroid gland. In brief it can be said that shilajit is highly beneficial for general body health, strengthening of immune system, arthritis, hypertension, anti-aging, controlling blood sugar levels, improved brain functioning, obesity, bone and tissue healing, kidney problems, urinary tract problems and injury healing.

To buy Shilajit Capsules, please visit

Some Useful Information regarding Shilajit

Shilajit (Mineral Pitch and Black Pitch in English) is a herbo-mineral herb that oozes out of the cracks in the mountains generally in the summer season. As per the references available to Mineralogy, Shilajit is oxygenated hydrocarbon of diverse types, which is Amorphous is nature G=1-1.8, luster is that of Black Pitch, that has a melting pint of 90-1000 degree Celsius and burns with bright flame. It is soluble in turpentine oil. It is a result of high degree of coalification that grade into Kerogen shale and eventually to petroleum. Shilajit is liquidifies and gets converted into liquid state which is rich in rich in humic acid due to vegetal substance resulting from roots. In nature it takes place in regions of coalification subjugated by abundant vegetation like Himalayan region of India. As per these references, Shilajit not found in Chhattisgarh, a rich diversified state in India. In ancient Indian texts that are related to diverse systems of medicine in India, Shilajit holds a prestigious place. As per these texts, every disease present on this planet can be cured successfully with the help of this wonder herb named Shilajit. It is also used as aphrodisiac or the sex enhancer. It’s anti-ageing or anti oxidant actions have also been reported. In India, it is widely available in Himalayan range.

Many herb collectors maintain that in various parts of India other than Himalaya, it is there in nature but the specialist do not agree with them. Shilajit is considered as rich man’s drug. For poor people, for Shilajit many false materials are existing and due to lack of knowledge regarding correct recognition, the poor are using wrong material materials with great slaughter to their health and body. We at herbal care India has the best quality Shilajit that is tested by government of India. The Shilajit available with us is highly pure and we obtain this from Himalayan region and then it is tested and purified.

The traditional ayurvedic doctors of India are well awake of medicinal properties and uses of Shilajit. I have listed out over 3000 traditional ayurvedic physicians who are using Shilajit to treat their patients.