Psoriasis is an inflammatory condition that leads to stiff and inflamed joints. More than 80% of the patients have psoriasis in the nails and skin flare-ups tend to occur at the same time. Psoriatic arthritis is a unique disease and caused by the problem in immune system. The disease affects the entire body and in-depth diagnosis and treatment helps psoriatic patients. Diagnosis comprises of a microscopic examination of tissue which is taken from the affected skin patch. A definitive diagnosis of psoriasis is made, so as to distinguish it from other skin problems. In psoriasis, the examination may show a large number of dry skin cells and without many signs of inflammation or infection. However, specific changes in the nails are strong signs of psoriasis.

The disease severity ranges from one or two flaky inflamed patches to widespread pustular psoriasis. In rare cases, it can be life threatening. Doctors usually classify the disease as mild to severe and recommend proper treatment. Mild psoriasis has been reported to affect less than 3% of the body surface. Moderate psoriasis covers about 3 – 10% of the skin and if more than 10% of the body is affected, the disease is severe. The severity of psoriasis is also measured by its effect on a person. Many forms of psoriasis exist and the most common type is called ‘plaque psoriasis’. Plaque psoriasis leads to skin patches which may start in small areas. The skin patches slowly grow larger and start developing thick plaque. This thick plaque, if scratched starts bleeding. Some patches may be ring shaped with scaly raised and wavy borders.

The diagnosis of psoriasis also takes into consideration the progress of the disease. Separate skin patches may join to form larger infected areas. In some patients, the psoriasis patches can become large and cover areas of the back or chest region. Psoriasis usually persists for a long period of time. It flares up periodically and is triggered by certain factors such as cold weather and infection. Patches may occur on the elbows, knees, lower back, bottom of the feet, thighs, palms of the hand and genitals. Scalp psoriasis affects about 50% of patients globally. It may cover the scalp with thick plaques, usually extending from the hairline to the forehead.

Psoriasis rarely affects the face in adult persons. In children, psoriasis may start in the scalp and then spread to other parts of the body. It can also occur on the face and ears. Only proper diagnosis of psoriasis can tell about the severity of the disease. Some types of psoriasis can become resistant to treatment and they may include psoriasis on the palms and soles, inverse psoriasis, scalp psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Herbal Remedies for Psoriasis

Planet Ayurveda provides best combination of effective herbal remedies such as PSORA Care Pack for ayurvedic treatment of psoriasis. These herbal remedies are prepared from using best quality herbs and strictly follow the principles of Ayurveda. All these herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda are 100 percent pure, natural and vegetarian. These are free from chemicals, additives and preservatives. These are safe to use as these are free from side effects.

Dosage / Usage

  1. Navkarshik Churna – 1 teaspoonful twice daily with plain water after meal.
  2. Radiant Skin Hair Nail Formula – 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meal.
  3. Neem Capsules – 1 capsules twice daily with plain water after meal.
  4. Manjishtha Capsules – 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meal.
  5. Pitta Balance – 1 capsules twice daily with plain water after meal.
  6. Jatyadi Tailam and Recumin Gel – For external use only, this Jatyadi Tailam and Recumin Gel can be mixed together and apply twice daily on the affected area after cleaning the area.

Products Description

1. Radiant Skin Hair Nails Formula

Radiant skin hair nail formula is packed with wonderful herbal extracts of Rubia cordifolia (Manjista), Fumaria officinalis (Pit papad), Swertia chiretta (Chirayata) and Aloe barbadensis (Ghrit Kumari). Regular use helps to clear toxins from the body as this herbal remedy is rich in free radicles. Radiant skin hair nail formula is packed with antioxidant and immune modulator properties. It nourishes dry skin that is quite common symptom in psoriasis. Also cures skin problems like psoriasis, impetigo, ringworm, hay fever, skin tanning etc. It enhances liver functions too effectively.

2. Manjishtha Capsules

Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia) is a herb that helps to pacify the vitiated Kapha and Pitta. It is mainly Pittahara. It is one of the best herb used for blood purifying and removes toxins from the body. It has ability to penetrate into body tissues where reactive toxins have accumulated. It binds with the toxins and neutralizes their damaging effect. This super herb aids in removing toxins from the blood and in cleansing the lymphatic system. It helps to boost your immunity and increases the white blood cells of immune system. Manjishtha could increase the amount of white blood cells up to 151% and it has been considered one of the advantages of taking Manjishtha, particularly if you are aiming to boost your immune function. Immune system is impaired in Psoriasis. So cap. Manjishtha is very beneficial for management of Psoriasis.

3. Neem Capsules

Neem (Azardirachta indica) is extensively used in Ayurveda for the treatment of various skin problems. Regular intake of Neem Capsules could reduce the risk of psoriasis. The active compounds in this medicinal plant act directly on the skin tissues. It works at the root cause of the disease and helps to address the underlying health problems that are responsible for skin diseases. Neem is highly recommended by most Ayurvedic physicians for all types of skin treatment. Neem possesses antibacterial properties and it is effective in fighting most skin infections such as acne, psoriasis and eczema.

4. Navkarshik Churna

Nature has provided us a number of herbal remedies for the treatment of arthritis and gout. Psoriatic arthritis needs little longer and regular treatment rather than quick symptomatic relief. Navkarshik Churna provides quick relief and it also works at the root level of the problem i.e. Psoriasis. It helps in correcting the purine metabolism, liver metabolism, cleansing the blood and breaking uric acid crystals. It is one of the best herbal treatments for psoriasis and it contains best herbs for psoriatic arthritis.

5. Pitta Balance

In the case of psoriasis, a compromised digestive system leads to an increase of pitta dosha into rasa dhatu. So pitta balance capsules alleviate excess of pitta in body and help in management of psoriasis.

6. Jatyadi Tailam

This is a classical formulation which is composed of haridra, jati, nimba, patola, manjishtha, katu rohini, tutha, etc herbs and some metallic contents, they have penetrating property hence heals the deep-seated wounds or non-healing wounds. This oil is very beneficial in chronic psoriatic conditions. It also restores the normal color and reduced sensation of the affected area.

7. Recumin Gel

Recumin Gel is a patent product of Planet Ayurveda which has shown tremendous results in case of skin disorders. It promotes early healing of wounds, restores the normal color and texture of the skin by removing the scaly de-pigmented patches from the body. Recumin gel contains Azadirachta indica, Jasmine officinalis, Commiphora mukul, Celastrus paniculatus, Sesame indicum, Cocus nucifera, etc. Basically, the herbs in this gel have anti-bacterial action and improve skin complexion.

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