Discharge form the ear, known as otorrhoea in medical parlance, is usually caused by an infection in the middle ear.
Causes and Symptoms
The infection in the middle ear can be due to eczema, boils, or irritation caused by a plug of wax or foreign bodies like moths. This, in turn, may lead to a discharge in the external ear.
Home Remedies
1. Margosa Oil
The use of this oil has been found effective in infection and inflammation of the ear. One or two drops of this oil can be put into the ear two or three times daily with beneficial results.
2. Breast Milk
The use of breast milk is a popular remedy for the inflammatory condition of the ear. A few drops of this milk put into the affected ear will give relief. Mother’s milk would be preferable, but if it is not available, the milk of any healthy lactating woman can be used.
3. Onion
Onion is beneficial for the treatment of pus in the ear. The juice extracted from an onion should be slightly warmed and put into the ear two or three times daily. It will bring good results.
Dietary Considerations
An exclusive diet of fresh juicy fruits for three to five days Is advised. After that, the patient may gradually adopt a well-balanced diet, with emphasis on wholegrain cereals, raw or lightly-cooked vegetables, and fresh fruits. The patient should avoid white flour, sugar, and all products made from them; pickles, condiments, and flesh foods. Phelgm-increasing foods like milled rice, sugar, and lentils should be avoided.
Other Measures
During the initial fruit fast, a warm-water enema should be used daily to cleanse the system. Regular exercises, outdoor games, and fresh air are important The patient should sit in the sun for fifteen minutes to allow sunlight to penetrate the inner part of his ear. This will help to stop the discharge of pus from the ear.