Magic Remedy for Diabetes

Gymnema sylvestrae

  • Latin Name: Gymnema sylvestrae
  • Hindi Name: Gurmar
  • Sanskrit Names: Mesha-shringi, Madhunashini, Ajaballi, Avartini

Gymnema Sylvestre also known as Gurmar. It literally means it kills the sugar. Gymnema blocks intestinal absorption of sugar and the sugar passes through the system. It does not block the digestion of other foods such as starches and alcohol.Gymnema raise insulin levels by regeneration of the cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin. Research has shown that it also improves uptake of glucose into cells by increasing the activity of the glucose utilizing enzymes, and stops adrenaline from stimulating the liver to create glucose, thereby reducing blood sugar levels. Gymnema is nature’s gift to mankind to destroy sugar. Gymnema is also noted for lowering serum cholesterol and triglycerides. It also abolishes the taste of sugar, which then suppresses and neutralizes the craving for sweets. The extracted gymnemic acid also acts as a cardiovascular stimulant.

The Plant

A large woody, branched, hairy twinner running over the tops of high tree.
Leaves: 1-2 inch long, ovate, elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, acute or shortly acuminate, more or less pubescent on both sides, base rounded or cordate.

Active Constituents

Plant constituents include two resins (one soluble in alcohol), gymnemic acids, tartaric acid, gurmarin, calcium oxalate, glucose, saponins, stigmasterol, quercitol, and the amino acid derivatives betaine, choline and trimethylamine. Gymnema Sylvestre is a stomachic, diuretic, refrigerant, astringent, and tonic. It has been found to increase urine output and reduce hyperglycemia in both animal and human studies.

Uses of Gymnema Sylvestrae

  1. According to Ayurveda, it is used in various Kapha-Vata disorders particularly Diabetes
  2. Gymmena is considered as a magic remedy for Diabetes. The herb has such wonderful properties that if we put the herb powder at our tongue, it eliminates the taste of sugar. One can not perceive the sensation of sugar after using this herb for some time. That’s why the name “Gur” (Sugar)
    “Maar” (Kill). So it really kills the dragon of sugar naturally.
  3. It is being used to treat primarily type II diabetes and type I as well. The herb has shown to reduce blood sugar, glycosylated haemoglobin and glycosylated plasma proteins when used for 18-20 months. The effect is gradual rather than immediate with conventional drugs. The active components responsible for lowering glucose are the gymnemic acids.

Parts Used

leaves, root.

Therapeutic Dose

Leaf powder: 3-6 gm, Root decoction: 50-100ml.

To buy Gurmar Powder, please visit