Best Ayurvedic Tips by Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurveda)
Interviewer: DR Vikram this Curcumin you are telling in IBS is available easily or is very rare?
Dr. Vikram Chauhan: Curcumin is basically prepared from common kitchen spice called turmeric. As you know turmeric is very commonly found in kitchen. One should increase its intake as it’s very good in cancer, joints pain also even for diabetes too. Patients suffering from IBS should use this turmeric regularly.
Interviewer: How Curcumin is different from turmeric?
Dr. Vikram Chauhan: Curcumin is actually a medicine prepared from the turmeric. It is much more potent and much more effective then turmeric. It is a standardized extract of turmeric. But if someone not have excess to Curcumin but theses capsules are available all over world easily. One can easily buy, even we have the Curcumin capsules. They are very effective then turmeric.
Interviewer: So otherwise one can use turmeric?
Dr. Vikram Chauhan: Yes turmeric is very good for diabetes, joints pain, ibs.
Interviewer: So in India everybody use turmeric in their kitchen so there are lesser problems in India as there are some countries where it is used very less.
Dr. Vikram Chauhan: Yes as cancer is more prevalent in European countries and in American nations cause is unnatural life style and lack of use of spices. People in Europe, America use very less spices. But in India we use spices and turmeric too. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-histamines and very good for the prevention of cancer also.
Interviewer: So for IBS it is wonderful
Dr. Vikram Chauhan: Yes it is.
Interviewer: Ok thank you