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Kumari Saar


  • 100% natural product
  • Supports healthy digestive system
  • Maintains healthy metabolism
  • Maintains healthy skin
  • Formulated by M.D Ayurveda experts
  • Absolutely free from chemicals, additives, extra colors, fillers and yeast etc.
  • Balances all the three doshas – Vata, Pitta, Kapha (Physical energies) in body

Ingredients – Pure Aloe Vera juice

Pack size – 250 ml

Dosage – 3 tbsp. with equal water twice daily.

What is Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera is a very popular household plant. This is also known as a Miracle plant. It grows in warm and dry climates. It is native to northern Africa.

Aloe vera is a specie of aloe. It is a very short stemmed succulent planet growing up to 80 to 100 cm tall. Leaves are lanceolate, flesh, thick, green with serrated margin.

Flowers are produced on a spike up to 90 cm tall, each flower pendulous with a yellow tubular corolla 2 to 3 cm long.

There are many varieties of Aloe Vera but Aloe barbadensis (Aloe Vera) which is being used to maintain health.

What are Skin Diseases?

Skin is the largest organ of human body and it is of utmost importance to take proper care of the skin to look beautiful and appealing. However, it is one of the most sensitive organs of the body. Therefore, it requires tremendous care to treat this part of the body effectively. There are various cosmetics available in the market, which claim to treat various conditions but care should be taken not to invest on one which are not authentic.

There are many skin problems people across the world are facing like scars, pimples, acne, oily skin, dry skin, blemishes etc.

Our modern life style is responsible for all this we can say. We are not eating well. Due to busy life style we are always occupied with mental stress and anxiety which again contribute to come up with various skin problems.

So it is advised to have a natural and fiber rich diet so that one gets healthy digestion and body metabolism. Proper digestive system and regular bowel clearance makes you to stay fit and healthy which can be seen from outside too.

What are Digestive Health Issues?

Constipation is a painful condition which is very common among people. It is the root cause of many health diseases. Constipation is that, which is characterized by pain, bleeding at times and difficulty in passing stool. It may become a life-threatening issue.

Low consumption of fiber, lack of proper consumption of liquid, dieting, endocrine and metabolic disorders like celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperkalemia and many structural reasons including anal fissures, colon cancer and psychological imbalance are the major causes of constipation.

What is Ayurvedic Point of View?

Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems. It was developed thousands of years ago in India. It is based on the acceptance that health depends upon the balance between mind, body and spirit. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are three doshas of body which represent health or diseased condition of body. Ayurveda take care of patient first then slowly treats the disease from its root cause.

In Ayurveda, Skin is known as “Matruj Avyava” which means it is derived from mother. Skin is an updhatu (secondary tissue) of Rakta dhatu (blood), and hence Skin reflects the qualities of Rakta dhatu (blood) and Rasa dhatu (Body’s plasma tissue). Good quality Rasa and Rakta result in healthy skin.

Ama (toxic matter) is responsible for all digestive and other problems. Improper diet and life style habits impairs digestive fire and causes vitiation of doshas which lead to channels obstruction and therefore present with digestive health issue.

Are there Herbal Remedies to Maintain Healthy Digestion?

Yes one can find a number of herbal remedies or ayurvedic medicines online or in market. Always find out the authentic one which is formulated under GMP guideline and contain standardized extracts.

Is there any Side Effect of Natural Product?

No, there is no side effect of taking natural product as it serves as a great food supplement and one can take it on regular basis.


  • Drink a lot of water throughout the day.
  • Have proper hours of sleep.
  • Maintain a healthy dietary habit.
  • Practice a hygienic lifestyle.





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