- Botanical Name – Althaea officinalis
- Family Name – Mallows
- Other Name – Marshmallow
Uses of Marshmallow
- Diarrhea
- Dysentery
- Cholera
- Bowel complaints
- Hemorrhages from the lungs and stomach
- Leucorrhea
- Menstrual problems
- Diabetes
- Ulcer
- Fever
- Jaundice
- Small-pox
- Measles
- Kidney disorders
- Urinary problems
- Cough
- Skin conditions
- Wounds
How to Use in Different Diseases?
- The decoction is also useful as an injection in profuse menstruation and in leucorrhoea and is a useful wash in ulcerated mouth and gums, and as a gargle.
- It is also used as a lotion to ulcers attended with a discharge.
- Bistort tonic is useful for diabetes. The tonic is taken one to two teaspoonful twice a day after meals.
- The decoction is to treat bleeding and diarrhea. Take 10 to 15ml twice a day.
- The root is helpful for fevers.
- The powder is useful in jaundice, expel the venom of the plague, smallpox, measles or other infectious diseases. The powder is taken one to two teaspoonful twice a day.
- The herb is used in many lung preparations and cough syrups to alleviate a dry, hacking cough, whooping cough.
- An ointment as an emollient to soften and soothe skin and dry hands.
- As a diuretic it increases the flow of urine and rids the body of excess fluid.
Parts Used
Whole plant
- Decoction – 5 to 10ml
- Tonic – 5 to 10ml
- Powder – 3 to 6 gm
- Ointment – Twice daily
Decoction, Tonic, Powder, Ointment