Yastimadhu or known as Mulethi in Hindi is commonly found herb in Indian kitchens. You must have seen people chewing it when they have sore throat or cough. Scientifically it is known as Glycyrriza glabra. Glycyrrhiza glabra is also known as sweet root. Glykys is sweet and rhiza is root that’s why called as sweet root. Due to its sweet taste it is liked by many people and also used in various natural formulations to aid taste.
Botanical Name: Glycyrrhiza glabra
Family: Fabaceae
Hindi Name: Mulethi, Jethimadhu
English Name: Licorice or sweetwood
Yastimadhu: has sweet root and stem
Madhuka: sweet in taste
Klitaka: being imported in to
Chemical Constituents
The principal constituent of Yastimadhu is glycyrrhizin that provides sweet taste to this wonderful herb. Glycyrrhizin is also known as glycyrrhizic acid and glyyrrhizinic acid.
Sushruta has mentioned in:
- Kakolyadi
- Anjanadi
- Sarivadi
Vagbhata has mentioned in:
- Anjanadi
- Sarivadi
Rasa (Taste): Madhur (sweet)
Guna (Qualities): Guru (light), Snigdha (oily)
Virya (Potency): Sheet (Cold potency)
Vipaka (Effects After Digestion): Madhur (Sweet taste after digestion)
Classical Reference

3 to 6 gm. with plain water or with honey after meals or as directed by doctor.
Effects on Doshas
Reduces Vata, Pitta and kapha.
Occurence and Appearence
Yastimadhu is a perinneal herb that grows up to 2m height. Its underground stem grows horizontally with 2m length with various branchesconsisiting of short taproot with number of rhizoms.
Parts Used: Dried Root
Side Effects
There is no such side effects seen of this herb. It is always advised to consult an Ayurveda physician before consuming it.
To buy Yashtimadhu Powder, please visit store.planetayurveda.com/products/yashtimadhu-powder
Planet Ayurveda (www.planetayurveda.com) is leading manufacturing company of natural products. It is an Indian based company, located at Mohali (Punjab). One can buy online or can contact for parcel to reach at door step.
Yastimadhu is one among number of ingredients in classical natural formulation called Praaanrakshak Churna. It comes in powder form that helps to maintain healthy respiratory system.
This is free from any chemical, added colour or preservative and all Planet Ayurveda’s products undergo quality, quantity and potency check before they reach to customers/patients. Also one can afford it easily as available on reasonable cost.
Praan rakshak Churna Can be consumed in the dose of one tsp. twice or thrice daily or as directed with plain water or honey after half an hour of meal. Regular use on daily basis is highly recommended for advised time of period.