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Natural Diet to Live Healthy Life


Balanced diet consists of all important nutrients which are essential for the healthy body, for survival of the body along with good taste. Diet provides necessary nutrients and strength to the body. It also prevents the body from different ailments. Natural diet helps in building and rejuvenating the body cells.

According to the functions of different kinds of diet, it can be broadly classified into three types:-

  1. Diet for strength: These involves the food which mainly provides carbohydrates such as different kinds of grains such as wheat, rice, barley, pearl millet, sorghum maize, clarified butter, oil, jaggery, sugar, potato and sweet potato. Use brown rice instead of white polished rice as it contains high amount of vitamin B complex. Groundnut oil, sesame seed oil, mustard oil and clarified butter has a equal nutrient value. Always cook food in pure indigenous oil or clarified butter. Jaggery has high amount of nutrients than sugar. It also contains iron, vitamins and minerals. Sugar is harmful for body and in ancient methods of treatment, it is known as white poison. Potato has a high nutritional value as it contains minerals, fibre and iron.
  2. Diet for immunity: These foods protects the body from various ailments. It includes vitamins, minerals, vegetables and fruits. Vegetables contains high amount of minerals. Include seasonal vegetables, green leafy vegetables in the diet. Consume at least 100 gm of vegetables per day. Vegetables such as coriander, fenugreek, Carrot, spinach, tomatoes, bottle gourd, cabbage, cauliflower, pointed gourd, okra and broccoli are very good source of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, fibre, vitamin and iron. Fruits are the great source of vitamins. Banana is a all season fruit. It contains calcium, dietary fibre, vitamin B complex and iron. Apple is a great source of vitamin A, vitamin E, fibre, potassium and calcium. Papaya quickens the digestion process. It has a high amount of vitamin D and fibre which is essential for strong bones. Papaya works wonderfully in stomach ailments such as indigestion, gas, constipation. Citrus fruits such as orange, Indian gooseberry are the best source of vitamin C.
  3. Food for physique: These involves protein rich food such as pulses, dry fruits, milk and milk products. For vegetarians, pulses, soya, tofu, curd, almond, walnut and cheese are the most important part of the diet as it contains high amount of proteins which is required for body strength and stamina. Sprouted green gram, sprouted black gram, soybean sprout and mixed bean sprouts are easy to digest and it has a high food value. Sprouts are rich in proteins, fibre and digestible energy. Almond and walnuts contains soaring amounts of antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids which has anti inflammatory effect.

Ayurveda for Live Healthy Life

Everybody wants to live a healthy life. Different people follows different ways to lead healthy life which includes drug therapy, home remedies, western remedies but the ultimate goal is to create a situation where they can get rid of all the ailments and live a healthy life. Ayurveda has certain methods which are adopting a healthier lifestyle to achieve these goals.

1. Meditation

It is now being adopted around the world which is an ancient method. Meditation increases concentration, focus, keeps mind calm and relaxed. In today’s stressful life breathing meditation or yog meditation helps a lot.

2. Massage

Massage therapy has many benefits. It improves blood circulation, tightens the skin and increases muscle strength. It has a positive effects on the mind. In Ayurveda, massage with sesame oil or coconut oil is highly preferable.

3. Eating habits

Ayurveda believes that digestive capacity is at its peak at noon (between 12pm to 2 pm). So eat full meal in the afternoon. Cut down the consumption of junk food. Neither skip meals nor overeat. Food should be balanced in terms of nutrition and quantity.

4. Liquid Diet

Drink warm or tepid water instead of cold water as it may disturb digestive functions. According to Ayurveda, ginger tea improves digestive efficiency. A cup of ginger tea or a glass of lemon water with honey is a good way to start the day. Once in a week opt for vegetable soups and fresh fruit juices as these helps in cleansing the digestive system.





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