Cholesterol is a yellowish, fatty substance, which is one of the essential ingredients of the body. Every person with high cholesterol level is vulnerable to stroke and heart attack. Cholesterol is generally measured in mgs per 100 ml of blood. It occurs with lipids in the bodies, known as the lipoproteins, which are mainly of two types – low density lipids (LDL) and high density lipids (HDL). The higher the ratio of LDL to cholesterol in the body; more is the risk of the damage of the arteries and chance of heart disorders. But, the presence of HDL in the body reduces the risk of cardiac disorders considerably.

Increase in the cholesterol level in the body is known as Hypercholesterolemia. It is caused due to several factors.

Factors that Give Rise to Hypercholesterolemia

  • Genetics
  • Excessive consumption of milk and dairy products like butter, ghee, ice cream, cheese.
  • Too much consumption of red meat, white flour, eggs
  • Stress
  • Irregular smoking and drug addiction

These are some of the common factors, which lead to increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood of the individuals.

This is manifested by certain signs and symptoms like yellow patches above the eyelids, loss of vision (temporary), dizziness, aphasia, paresthesia, paresis, chest pain, calf muscle pain and even abdominal pain. Certain restrictions and following certain natural habits can help a lot to reduce the cholesterol level in the blood.

Natural Way to Reduce Your Cholesterol Level

The first and foremost way to reduce the cholesterol level is to carry out regular exercise and shed those extra unwanted transfats present in the individuals. Besides this, there are certain natural food items, which help to have a control on the level of cholesterol in the blood of the individuals.


Pecans, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, macadamia nuts are some of the nuts, which help to increase the level of the HDL content in the blood, thereby, helping to keep the ratio of cholesterol to LPL under control.

Oats and Fiber Rich Food Items

The food items rich in soluble fiber reduce the level of LDL and help to absorb the cholesterol efficiently into the blood stream. Pears, apples, barley also contains soluble fibers, which help the body to get rid of the bad cholesterols effectively.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Fatty fish like mackerel, herring, sardine, salmon, halibut, lake trout and many others has omega 3 fatty acids. This reduces the blood pressure and the risk of blood clot. Ground flaxseed oil and canola oil also provide the body with Omega 3 fatty acids.

Olive Oil

It is rich in antioxidants, which help to reduce the LDL and increase the HDL considerably.

Green Tea

Green tea is highly rich in antioxidants. It helps to burn the unwanted fats and lower the level of LDL cholesterol effectively.

Restrict Smoking

Smoking contains chemicals, which help to lower the level of HDL from the blood stream. It is extremely essential for the individuals to stop smoking to lower down the level of LDL and increase the level of HDL in the blood stream.

Besides these, certain modifications in the lifestyle and diet help to lower the level of cholesterol to a huge extent.

Planet Ayurveda has provided us with the highly effective Arjuna capsules, which have a lot of beneficial impact on the body.

Herbal Remedies for High Cholesterol Level

Arjuna Capsules

It is made from the bark of the herb, Termanalia Arjuna. It acts as a natural remedy for cholesterol and blood pressure. It is rich in antioxidants, cardiac glycosides, minerals like calcium, zinc, magnesium and copper and natural flavonoids. It provides nourishment to the heart muscles, improves the pumping capacity of the heart and facilitates the blood circulatory system of the body. It treats the various heart diseases like coronary artery damage, congestive heart attacks, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high triglycerides. It decreases the level of LDL content.

These capsules form the safest herbal remedies to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood stream. They do not have any added artificials, preservatives and chemicals. They have absolutely no side effects.

Dose: 2 capsules daily two times.

Thus, these are some of the natural ways to reduce the level of cholesterol in the body and lead a healthy and fit life. Long live Planet Ayurveda!