Agni or fire is the symbol of Pitta. The pivotal function of Pitta is transformation. It takes care of the metabolic activities of the body, digestion and release of energy. This component of tri energy governs the transformation of body and mind. It helps to discriminate between right and wrong and it helps to visualize how we perceive things through our senses. Individuals with Pitta characteristics are generally fiery and aggressive in nature. They manifest a sense of anger in mind and body as well.
Characteristics of Pitta
The important qualities and characteristics of Pitta are the following:
- Light
- Hot
- Intense
- Acidic
- Sharp
- Pungent
- Penetrating
Emotional Attributes of Individuals with Pitta characteristics
The individuals, who have the Pitta characteristics, show the following emotional attributes:
- Strong intellect
- Strong power of concentration
- Leader and good decision making skill
- Precise
- Direct and outspoken
- Sharp witted
- Teaching vapabilities
Physical Attributes of Individuals with Pitta Characteristics
Individuals with Pitta characteristics show some unique physical attributes. They are listed below:
- Medium weight and size
- Bright hair. However, thinning or hair or hair loss is quite common
- Excellent power of digestion
- High body temperature
- Sound sleep for short interval of time
- Strong desire for sex and physical intercourse
- Lustrous complexion
- Wonderful energy
- Strong appetite
Important Characteristics Portrayed in Individuals with Pitta Characteristic, When Person is Out of Balance
A pitta characteristic individual, when goes out of balance may portray the following attributes:
- Skin rashes and complications
- Peptic ulcers
- Heartburn
- Burning sensation
- Indigestion
- Too much body heat
- Argumentative
- Short tempered
Recommended Diet to be Followed for Pacifying Pitta
- Consume a lot of dairy products, which include ghee, milk and butter. Ghee is highly recommended for individuals with Pitta characteristic. Individuals with pitta attributes must not consume yogurt, cheese, sour cream.
- Oils like sunflower, coconut, and olive oils are the best ones for pacifying Pitta. Consumption of almond, corn and sesame oil must be completely avoided for people with Pitta characteristic.
- Consumption of sweeteners is recommended except that of honey and molasses.
- Some best grains to be consumed are barley, oats, rice and wheat. However, corn, millet, brown rice and rye consumption must generally be avoided.
- Reduction in the intake of the sour fruits like apricots, berries and grapefruits and increase in the intake of the sweeter fruits like melons, cherries, avocadoes, coconuts, mangoes, melons, grapes, plums ripe pineapples is recommended.
- Asparagus, potatoes, cucumbers, sweet potatoes and green leafy vegetables are generally suggested. Also, lettuce, pumpkins, broccoli, cauliflower, okra, celery, green beans and lettuce are some of the vegetables, which are recommended for individuals with pitta characteristic. And, the individual must not consume hot peppers, tomatoes, beets, carrots, onion, radish, garlic, spinach and eggplant at all.
- People, who are non-vegetarians must consume turkey, pheasant and chicken. Nevertheless, consumption of seafood, beef and eggs must be completely minimized.
- Coriander, cardamom, cilantro, fennel and saffron are some of the spices, which impart cooling and soothing nature to the people. These must be consumed. While the hotter spices like cumin, ginger, black pepper, clove, fenugreek, salt, cloves, mustard, cayenne and chilli peppers must be completely avoided since they instigate the fiery nature further.
Pitta dosha heats up the body and mind. So, consume cool liquids and foods. Foods, which are bitter, astringent and sweet in tastes are the best, while foods, which are salty, pungent, sour must be completely avoided.
Tips to Balance Pitta
A slight modification in lifestyle will provide wonderful ways to balance Pitta in individuals:
- Choose the ones, which provide soothing, sweet, stabilizing and cooling impact to the individuals.
- Take adequate amount of rest.
- Also practice some physical activities as well.
- Do not skip meals. Eat foods, which are bitter, astringent and sweet. Also consume foods, which induce coolness. These include melons, cucumbers and sweet fruits.
- It is recommended to spend some time with nature on a daily basis. Take a stroll amidst the wood and water. Keep fresh plants and flowers. Also, if possible, walk in moonlight.
- Go for oil massage daily with coconut or olive or any other cooler oils.
- Opt for cool colors, which include green, silver and blue.
- Always keep laughing. It is a great healer.
- Go for aromas, which are sweet and cool. These include rose, sandalwood, mint, jasmine, fennel, chamomile and lavender.