
Myself Dr. Vikram Chauhan.

I just thought there may be many people thinking if Planet Ayurveda is a fraud or really existing as so many things are happening over internet.

There may be some companies or individuals selling their own stuff using our name as we are getting popular. So beware of them. They can be fraud.

We are selling through only our distributors listed at our website. You can trust them.

So I could not hold myself to clarify further. I am not a God but a qualified MD Ayurveda doctor from Chandigarh, India.

We are real people not robots or people without any background.

I am not after your money. If I was after money, I would have easily set up my allopathic practice just after doing BAMS (which most Ayurvedic doctors do).

I chose to start learning Ayurveda more and joined MD, at age of 27. I was not earning till age 31 and was still learning and taking Rs. 70 per day from my mom for bus fare to My Ayurveda College which was about 80 km distance from my home.

After doing MD I started pure Ayurvedic practice. I wanted to have quality products and I found 15 years ago, the quality in Ayurveda was not there and companies were hiding what they were using.

I developed few products and sent them to USA, Europe, Singapore and they were all liked by people, herbalists and natural medicine practitioners there.

I started getting orders from worldwide distributors because of high quality and the money started coming. I was invited to Czech Republic, USA and Singapore for lectures and patient consultations. They offered me $150 per patient consultation but I never thought to settle down in USA. Even now it’s my choice to settle down in India and charge Rs. 300 as my consultation fee because I love India and want to help Indians. I believe India has a treasure of Ayurveda. We should not export our expertise to other countries (Brain drain) but bring the foreign exchange to our country, help poor people by giving them jobs and health.

I can easily do Skype consultations and charge $125 per session of 30 minutes as I have many times received offers like this but I don’t do as I want to help as many Indians or suffering people as I can and don’t make money from rich people.

I am visiting Macedonia every 3 months to keep Ayurveda alive there and bring awareness about Ayurveda in Europe. I have seen many miracles happening there as they follow all the advice which is being given. If I visit Macedonia and other European countries, I am basically losing money but still I am doing it to spread Ayurveda and help as many as I can.

I can’t visit USA frequently or other countries as I have to be present in India to help as many Indians as I can.

There may be few patients who may not get desired results in complicated problems. I am trying my best to give best of herbs and best of services to you and I need your cooperation and not after your money.

If I were after money, I would not see patients at all rather appoint more Ayurvedic doctors to see you all or I would have set up dialysis machines or diagnostic centre and hire doctors to run them.

It’s easier to make money that way rather than talking face to face with people and charging mere Rs. 300 consultation (first time) and Rs. 200 2nd time.

Anyway, I want you all to think positive. Ayurveda is great science and I am just a human who is trying it’s best to decode the best medicines and methods described in Ayurveda to help you all.

I have listed everything clearly on my website. I am myself surprised to see many complicated cases like ITP, Endometriosis, Psoriasis, Cancers, Liver and Kidney failure, Ulcerative colitis getting solved.

I can’t claim 100 % success rate but 60 to 80 % is also not so bad.

Your negative views matter a lot. I will keep improving further because of that.

So I want all of you to have a positive eye for Ayurveda and be sure that it’s not a fraud or a scam company.

Many may use our name because people trust us, so be sure that you are buying products from our authorized distributors listed at our website.

All those who are not listed at our site may be selling their own stuff using our name.

So always buy from our main website or from our listed distributors.

Best Wishes

Dr. Vikram Chauhan