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Pushkarmool (Inula Racemosa)

Pushkarmool (Inula Racemosa)


Pushkarmool is one such herb explained in Ayurveda, which has path breaking results in respiratory discomfort, cough and chest pain. It also relieves stress and has anti allergic properties as well.

Pushkarmool is the herb of choice in all kind of respiratory problems. This is used widely in health issues like Chronic Cough, Asthma, Cold, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Emphysema, COPD, Lung collapse etc.

Classical References


Shwashara – Useful in asthma

Hikkanigrahna – Useful in hiccup

According to Acharya Charaka:


(Ref: Charak samhita, sutra sthan, ch-25)


Phalavarga – group of fruits


Hidma nigrahna

Botanical Name: Inula racemosa

Family: Asteraceae

Hindi Name: Pohkarmool

English Name: Elicampane


Kashmira (Grows abundantly in Kashmir)

Kushthabheda (Resembles the herb kushth or Saussurea lappa),

Padampatra (Leaves resemble the shape of lotus flower),

Svasari (Enemy of asthma)

Few others are – Chiram, Jiham, Dhita Tirtha, Mulam, Vatahva, Viram etc.

Chemical Constituents

Alantolactone (Principal compound), Inulin, Isoalantolactone, Inunolide, Germacronolide, Dihydroisoalantotolactone, D-Mannitol, Dihydroinunolide, Neo-A lantolactone, Inunolise, Alantodiene, Sesquiterpene, lactone- inunol etc.

Rasa: Tikta (Bitter), Katu (Pungent)

Guna: Laghu (light), Teekshna (Sharp Action)

Virya: Ushna (Hot potency)

Vipaka: Katu (Bitter taste turns pungent while getting digested)

Parts Used: Root

Dosage: 1-3 gm. in divided doses.

Effects on Doshas

Balances Kapha dosha due to bitter and pungent taste and balances Vata dosha due to its hot potency.

Occurence and Appearence

Pushkarmool is a small flowering plant that grows up to the heights of 5000-14000 feet above sea level in the North -Western Himalayan belt. It is native to India and Nepal.

Its roots resembles Kootha or Kustha herb (Saussura lappa) that’s why extensively used in Kashmir for Kooth adulteration. Fresh roots have strong camphor like smell which fades off after being dried.

Side Effects

There is no such side effects seen of this herb. It is always advised to consult any Ayurveda physician before starting with it as it may increase blood pressure so care must be taken.

To buy Pushkarmool Powder, please visit

Planet Ayurveda is leading manufacturing company of natural products. It is an Indian based company, located at Mohali (Punjab). One can buy online or can contact for parcel to reach at door step.

Planet Ayurveda’s Punarnava Mandoor

Pushkarmoola is one among number of ingredients in classical natural formulation called Punarnava Mandoor. Punarnava Mandoor comes in tablet form that maintains healthy body organs.

This is free from any chemical, added colour or preservative and all Planet Ayurveda’s products undergo quality, quantity and potency check before they reach to customers/patients. Also one can afford it easily as available on reasonable cost.

Punarnava Mandoor Can be consumed in the dose of 2 tablets twice or thrice daily or as directed with plain water after half an hour of meal. Regular use on daily basis is highly recommended for advised time of period.





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