Sarpagandha is also known as Rauvolfia serpentina, or Indian snakeroot. This species belongs to the Apocynaceae family. Devil pepper is the common English name of this plant.
Habitat of Rauvolfia Serpentine
This plant is found in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Burma as well as in Thailand. In India, it is distributed in the sub-Himalayan tract from Punjab to Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan and it is also found in the lower hills of Gangetic plains, Andaman’s, Eastern and Western Ghats. In India, it is found in moist deciduous forest and shady areas at a height of 4000 feet above the sea level. It is never found growing in bulk at a single place. In short, it is widely cultivated in many parts of the India.
Plant Description
Rauvolfia serpentine is an evergreen, perennial and erect undershrub that generally grows up to a height of 60 cm. Roots of this herb are tuberous with a cork of a pale brown color. This plant has leaves which are generally found in whorls of three, and are of bright green color on the above and of pale green color on the below. The base of the leaves is slender and tapering in nature. The petioles of this plant are long. The flowers are white in color, sometimes violet in color. Peduncles are long enough while the pedicles are stout. The calyx is bright red in color. The corolla is usually longer than the calyx. Drupes of this plant are slightly connate, ovoid and are of purplish black color. The flowering period of this plant is March to May in India.
Parts Used of Sarpagandha
Roots of Sarpagandha are used.
Ayurvedic Energetics of Rauvolfia Serpentine
Ayurveda is one of an oldest system of health care which helps to maintain a healthy body in a natural way. Sarpagandha is one of an important Ayurvedic herbs that helps to maintain healthy memory and healthy blood pressure. This herb is also used for various other health problems.
In Ayurveda, the Energetics of Rauvolfia Serpentine are listed below:
- Rasa (Taste) – Tikta (bitter)
- Guna (Qualities) – Rooksha (dryness)
- Veerya – Ushna (Hot potency)
- Vipaka – Katu (Pungent taste after digestion)
- Dosha Effect – Balances Vata and Kapha doshas
- Prabhava – Nidrajanaka (Induces sleep)
Chemical Constituents Present in Sarpagandha
This Sarpagandha plant contains more than 50 different alkaloids. Out of 50 alkaloids, major alkaloids present are ajmaline, ajmalicine, indobine, indobine, ajmalimine, serpentine, serpentinine deserpidine, reserpine, reserpiline, rescinnamine, rescinnamidine, and yohimbine. Reserpine is the most useful alkaloid of this plant. The concentration of alkaloid may vary depending upon the location from where the plant is collected. The variation may be from 1.7 % to 3 %. About 90 percent of these alkaloids are found in the tuberous roots of this plant.
Planet Ayurveda’s Sarpagandhaghan Vati
Sarpagandhaghan Vati is a natural supplement provided by Planet Ayurveda, which contains Sarpagandha extract in it. This is a 100 percent natural product that supports healthy blood pressure.
Pack size: Each bottle contains 120 tablets in it.
Dosage : 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily with lukewarm water
Benefits of Sarpagandhaghan Vati
- Very helpful in managing the high blood pressure
- Used in the treatment of epilepsy
- Helpful in controlling panic attacks and anxiety
- Sarpagandhaghan Vati is also given to control the over excitement, premature ejaculation, and early ejaculation