Underweight Man

About Underweight

The problem of underweight is also on rise these days. Many a time individuals think that the situation is a sign of fitness and he is absolutely healthy. But, this is not the case. Underweight is also a serious health concern and needs to be treated very carefully. A person is said to be underweight when the BMI of the individual goes below the normal weight. As per Ayurveda, both the condition of underweight and overweight are the consequences of the imbalances in the doshas.

Causes of Underweight Condition

Some of the Major Causes of the Condition of Underweight are Hereunder:

  1. Certain chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, AIDS, liver disorder, hyperthyroidism, etc.
  2. Exposure to certain medicines
  3. Too much consumption of alcohol
  4. Age
  5. Heredity
  6. Depression and mental unbalance
  7. Unhygienic dietary habits.

Symptoms of Underweight Condition

The Common Symptoms of Underweight Condition are the Following:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Restlessness
  3. Anemia
  4. Osteoporosis
  5. Loss of hair
  6. Lethargy
  7. Poor immunity
  8. Reduces physical strength and level of endurance

To treat the situation of Underweight, some of the following dietary measures are needed to be followed.

Diet to be Followed for Treating Underweight Condition

Generally food items, which have a high value of calorie, are recommended for the individuals:

  1. Nuts and dry fruits are the major food items, which help to boost up the level of calorie in the individuals.
  2. Milk, dairy products and milk shakes also form an essential component for the increasing the weight of the individuals.
  3. Banana is a food product, which contains a lot of calories and help to increase the weight of the individuals.
  4. Protein diet is highly recommended to gain weight.
  5. Mini meals should be taken in between instead of one time heavy meal. This helps to increase your appetite and boost up the value of calorie in the body.
  6. Raisins shall also be consumed. It helps in weight gain naturally.
  7. Peanut butter is highly recommended if one wants to increase the level of energy consumption efficiently.
  8. Potatoes, soybeans and yogurt are some other dietary recommendation for the individuals for gaining weight naturally.

Besides the above dietary recommendation, there are certain herbs as well, which help to enhance the weight of the individuals significantly.

Important Herbs for Weight Gain

Some important herbs, which help to gain weight of the individuals, are given below. These are the following:

  1. Amalaki
  2. Ashwagandha
  3. Shilajit
  4. Yashtimadhu
  5. Saunf
  6. Shatavari

All these herbs have a wide range of properties and herbal characteristics. These help to enhance appetite and aid in weight gain to a huge extent. Thus, these herbs are a superb way to gain weight naturally.

Herbal Remedies for Underweight

Planet Ayurveda provides effective herbal remedies such as Weight Gain Formula, Ashwagandha Capsules & Atirasadi Churna for ayurvedic treatment of Underweight. These herbal remedies works as a dietary supplement for gaining weight naturally. These herbal remedies are prepared from using best quality herbs and strictly follow the principles of Ayurveda. All these herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda are 100 percent pure, natural and vegetarian. These are free from chemicals, additives and preservatives. These are safe to use as these are free from side effects.

1. Weight Gain Formula

This herbal formulation has a blend of several herbs with a lot of medicinal and healing properties.

Dose: 2 tablets two times on a daily basis with water.

2. Ashwagandha Capsules

This herbal formulation is highly effective for boosting the appetite and helping in weight gain.

Dose: 2 capsules two times on a daily basis with milk.

3. Atirasadi Churna

This Ayurvedic medicine is found in the powdered form. This churna is extremely helpful in increasing the weight of the individuals.

Dose: 1 tsp two times on a daily basis with plain water.

These are some of the important ways to gain weight naturally. Follow these remedies, eliminate the problem and stay fit with Planet Ayurveda.