The theory of Virechna deals with the purification therapy of Ayurveda. It is one of the types of Panchakarma, which comprises five types of treatments, which help in healing a couple of disorders effectively. Ayurveda has a huge emphasis on a lot of healing and preventive therapies. It helps in purifying and rejuvenating the mind, soul and body of the individuals. It teaches the art of disease free, healthy and fit living. It improves the longevity of individuals to a huge extent.
This therapy is defined as the medicated healing therapy. It has a purifying action on the blood and helps to cleanse Pitta and eliminate the harmful toxins from the body of the individuals to a huge extent. The treatment mainly focuses on the harmful toxic materials, which get accumulated in various parts of the body, especially the gall bladder and liver. The Virechna Therapy also helps to clean the GI tract of the individuals. This therapy is carried out 3 days after Vamana therapy. However, the duration of the therapy varies based on the various cases and situations. Also, it is no mandatory to carry out Vamana therapy prior to that of Virechna therapy. It can be done after the Purvakarma directly.
Ingredients for Virechana Therapy
The various ingredients used to carry out the Virechna Therapy successfully are the following:
Senna, Bran, Prune, Flaxseed, Dandelion root, Husk, Psyllium seed, salt, Cow’s milk, raisins, castor oil, mango juice and many others. This therapy mainly has a cleansing action on the colon, sweat glands, kidneys, small intestines, liver, spleen and stomach. The various herbs, which have laxative characteristics, are also used as the common ingredients for the Virechna Therapy. The patients need to undergo a restricted particular diet while the patient is going through the Virechna Therapy. It is extremely essential for the patient to lead a healthy life after undergoing the therapy.
Health Complications to be Treated by Virechna Therapy
The various complications, which can be treated by Virechna Therapy are as follows:
- Skin disorders
- Chronic fever
- Abdominal tumor
- Piles
- Ulceration
- Splenomegaly
- Worms
- Jaundice
- Abdominal tumors
- Poisoning
- Gout
- Ascites
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome)
- Constipation
- Vomiting
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Blindness
- Headache
- Leprosy
- Urogenital disorders
- Cataract
- Herpes
- Goiter
- Nausea
- Gynecological problems
- Elephantasis
This therapy also helps to get rid of the various doshas from the sweat glands, lungs and kidneys. It helps to expel the waste toxic materials from the body effectively. The vitiated doshas are expelled through the rectum of the body.
Procedure of Virechna Therapy
The factors, which should be considered for carrying out the Virechna Karma, are the physical and psychological condition of the patients, age and mental situation of the individuals. The drugs used in the Virechna Therapy help in vitiating the doshas and bringing them to abdomen. A warm and light diet is recommended for the patients undergoing Virechna Therapy one day prior to the initiation of the therapy. During the entire procedure, the patient is given Oleation initially. The next step is Fomentation. Fomentation gets followed with Emisis. And, this further is followed by Samsarjana Karma, which is post operative. The internal Oleation therapy takes place for approximately 3 to 7 days. Then, the patient is exposed to the medicated steam bath for continuously 3 days.
Types of Virechna Therapy
Virechna therapy is classified into various categories on the basis of the various doshas involved. They are as follows:
Snigdha Virecahna Therapy
Snigdha means oily. Castor oil with haritaki powder or castor oil alone is used to carry out this therapy. Mainly, individuals with Pitta Dosha associated with Vata Dosha are given the Snigdha Virechana Therapy.
Rooksha Virechana Therapy
Trivit i.e., Operculina turpethum in its paste form is generally used to carry out this therapy. Rooksha Virechana is given to the individuals with Pitta Dosha coupled with the Kapha Dosha.
Thus, this therapy is carried out with ingredients, which are absolutely natural. Virechana is completely a safe procedure in Ayurveda. It has absolutely no side effects at all and is highly effective.