Yes, Psoriasis is curable as per Ayurveda – The ancient healthcare system of medicine in India. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition. Psoriasis is a non-contagious skin condition that produces red, dry plaques of thickened skin. The dry flakes and skin scales are thought to result from the rapid proliferation of skin cells that is triggered by abnormal lymphocytes from the blood. Psoriasis commonly affects the skin of the elbows, knees, and scalp. There are five types of psoriasis: Plaque, guttate, pustular, inverse, and erythrodermic. About 80% of people living with psoriasis have plaque (plak) psoriasis, also called “psoriasis vulgaris.” Plaque psoriasis causes patches of thick, scaly skin that may be white, silvery, or red. Called plaques (plax)

What is Psoriasis According to Ayurveda?

The disease Psoriasis has been described in Ayurveda in the chapter of “Kushta Rog” i.e. Complicated and chronic diseases of the skin. All the skin disorders are caused by consumption of incompatible foods, excessive imbalance of Pitta i.e. fire energy, exercise after food intake, consumption of a special variety of fish with milk or milk products, holding the urge to vomit, constant state of anger or hatred. The major skin disease Leprosy has been considered incurable in Ayurveda and that is why it is called Major skin disease. Today with modern drugs, Leprosy is curable. Psoriasis is called “Ek- Kushta” in Ayurveda and is kept in the category of curable skin diseases or minor skin ailments.

According to Charaka Samhita ( 1500 BC) there are 7 types of Chronic and complicated Skin disorders and 11 types of minor skin ailments.

According to Ayurveda, Psoriasis is compared to Ek-Kushta which is in the list of curable skin diseases. Ek-Kushta was described in Ayurvedic text – Charak Samhita ( about 1500 BC) can be compared with Psoriasis on the basis of Gross observation and underlying pathology as well as symptoms.

The symptoms of Ek Kushta are similar to Psoriasis. Ek-Kushta is curable as per Ayurvedic medicines. There many Ayurvedic medicines which have been found to be very very useful in treatment of Psoriasis. In almost all skin diseases Ayurveda has recommended detoxification, purgation or laxation as well as blood purification.

Types of 7 Major Types of Skin Ailments

According to ancient Text- Charak Samhita -1500 BC

Sr. No. Name of Skin disorder Dosha Imbalance Nearer Modern Name
1. Kapal Kushtha Vata Non-Lepromatous Leprosy
2. Odumbar Pita Non-Lepromatous Leprosy
3. Mandal Kushtha Kapha Lepromatous Leprosy
4. Rishijihya Vata-Pitta Non-Lepromatous Leprosy
5. Pundrika Pitta-Kapha Non-Lepromatous Leprosy
6. Sidhma Kapha-Vata Pityriasis versicolor
7. Kakanak Tridoshic Lepromatous leprosy

There is another skin disease called Leucoderma or Vitiligo. According to Ayurveda newly developed vitiligo or leucoderma is curable. Chronic Vitiligo or Leucoderma is incurable as per Ayurveda.

Types of 11 Minor Skin Ailments – which are Curable as per Ayurveda

Sr. No. Name of Skin disorder Nearer Modern Name
1. Ek-Kushta Psoriasis
2. Chrm-kushta Xeroderma
3. Kitibh Lichen Planus
4. Vipadika Rhagades
5. Alsak Itchy,Reddish Pustules
6. Dadrumandal Righworm
7. Charmdal Impetigo
8. Pama Scabies
9. Visphot Exenthymeta
10. Shataru Erythema induratum
11. Vicharchika Eczema (Dry of Wet)

How to Treat Psoriasis Naturally?

Planet Ayurveda provides best combination of effective herbal remedies such as PSORA Care Pack for ayurvedic treatment of psoriasis. These herbal remedies are prepared from using best quality herbs and strictly follow the principles of Ayurveda. All these herbal remedies of Planet Ayurveda are 100 percent pure, natural and vegetarian. These are free from chemicals, additives and preservatives. These are safe to use as these are free from side effects.

Dosage / Usage

  1. Navkarshik Churna – 1 teaspoonful twice daily with warm water after meal.
  2. Radiant Skin Hair Nail Formula – 2 capsules twice daily with warm water after meal.
  3. Neem Capsules – 1 capsules twice daily with warm water after meal.
  4. Manjishtha Capsules – 2 capsules twice daily with warm water after meal.
  5. Pitta Balance – 1 capsules twice daily with warm water after meal.
  6. Jatyadi Tailam and Recumin Gel – For external use only, this Jatyadi Tailam and Recumin Gel can be mixed together and apply twice daily on the affected area after cleaning the area.

Products Description

1. Navkarshik Churna

It is a purely herbal formulation without any chemical added in it. It consists of various herbs Amla, Haritaki, Bahera, Vacha, Neem, Majistha, Kutaki, Giloye and Daruharidra.

Benefits: It contains triphala which helps to remove the toxins from the body and strengthen the immune system also. It relieves the vatta dosha and removes the toxins from the body. Neem, kutaki, majistha purifies the blood and corrects the metabolism of the body. Giloye act as an immunodilator and improves immunity whereas Daruharidra acts as anti-inflammatory herb.

2. Radiant Skin Hair Nails Formula

It helps to maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. It consists of Majistha, Pit papada, Chirata, Ghritkumari.

Benefits: Majistha is popular herb for lymphatic system, it facilities the cells and remove toxins from the body. It has a rejunevative property, in treating skin disorders. Pit-papada has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic property. Chirata is balances the three doshas of the body. It also act as an anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-oxidant. Ghritkumari is an adaptogen that balances the body’s system, stimulating the defense and adaptive mechanism of the body. It is also known as a vulnerary, (helps to heal the wound). It also helps in rejuvenating the skin. It helps supply oxygen to the skin cells, increasing the strength and synthesis of skin tissues and improves the blood flow.

3. Neem Capsules

Neem Capsules contain neem leaves (Azadirachta indica), which are rich in fibers and carbohydrates.

Benefits: It is very effective for skin problems. It is beneficial to alleviate the disorders Pitta, Vatta and Kapha doshas. It acts as a blood purifier as well as an anti-oxidant. It boosts up the immune system also. It also act as anti-arthritic it relieves from inflammation and pain.

4. Pitta Balance

In the case of psoriasis, a compromised digestive system leads to an increase of pitta dosha into rasa dhatu. So pitta balance capsules alleviate excess of pitta in body and help in management of psoriasis.

5. Manjishtha Capsules

Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia) is a herb that helps to pacify the vitiated Kapha and Pitta. It is mainly Pittahara. It is one of the best herb used for blood purifying and removes toxins from the body. It has ability to penetrate into body tissues where reactive toxins have accumulated. It binds with the toxins and neutralizes their damaging effect. This super herb aids in removing toxins from the blood and in cleansing the lymphatic system. It helps to boost your immunity and increases the white blood cells of immune system. Manjishtha could increase the amount of white blood cells up to 151% and it has been considered one of the advantages of taking Manjishtha, particularly if you are aiming to boost your immune function. Immune system is impaired in Psoriasis. So cap. Manjishtha is very beneficial for management of Psoriasis.

6. Jatyadi Tailam

This is a classical formulation which is composed of haridra, jati, nimba, patola, manjishtha, katu rohini, tutha, etc herbs and some metallic contents, they have penetrating property hence heals the deep-seated wounds or non-healing wounds. This oil is very beneficial in chronic psoriatic conditions. It also restores the normal color and reduced sensation of the affected area.

7. Recumin Gel

Recumin Gel is a patent product of Planet Ayurveda which has shown tremendous results in case of skin disorders. It promotes early healing of wounds, restores the normal color and texture of the skin by removing the scaly de-pigmented patches from the body. Recumin gel contains Azadirachta indica, Jasmine officinalis, Commiphora mukul, Celastrus paniculatus, Sesame indicum, Cocus nucifera, etc. Basically, the herbs in this gel have anti-bacterial action and improve skin complexion.

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