Anklodya / Makhana / FoxNut / Euryale Ferox – Classification, Ayurvedic Properties & Dosage
In India, Bihar is the state which is the largest producer of Makhanas, these originated from the lotus seeds, the process of this plant is – it develops seed pods, and every pod has a round of 20 seeds that get mature in less than 40 days, then the seeds are kept dry and roasted on a fire flame, then its outer shell that is of black in colour starts to break and the white part that is inside that black shell starts to pop out. This white thing that is coming out of the shell is called Makhana. These have gained more admiration in recent years, as people have become more health conscious and started to take off their own bodies by taking natural plant-based products.

General Information
Makhana is a precious crop found in aquatic regions and is used in every Indian family as a snack. It is located in accumulated perennial water bodies and is used as a herb or a medicine that can cure various diseases. It is very effective in renal disorders, gastrointestinal tract disorders, or any type of female reproductive system disease. These are enriched with multiple nutrients and are filled with highly nutritional supplements like protein, phosphorus, and thiamine. It can be used after being fried in Cow ghee to enhance its nutritional supplements. Our mothers packed in our tiffin boxes like an excellent teatime snack. She also uses this by adding it in kheer, curry, raita, etc many dishes. In China, it is used as an ingredient in their soup. Makhana is also used in various religious rituals.
Special Note About This Plant
Makhana is easily accessible and is greatly used as a snack option, this is very much low in saturated fats, sodium, and cholesterol, a great choice for maintaining a healthy weight, and is very easy to carry anywhere because this is not leaky type, and acts as a great snack to scrub out the cravings used after the gym to regain the energy, even this can be filled in yummy dishes that will surprisingly give an enhanced taste with just adding some makhanas in that. A vegan diet is also called a plant-based diet in which animal products are totally excluded from the diet so they can add up these makhanas and can fill up the need gap. If you travel worldwide, the variation of their uses and how to consume methods will be seen as different , like in the form of popcorn. People cook the leaves and stalks of the makhana and take it in as a vegetable curry. These are named Lawa, Murra, and thurri as in their different grades.
Systemic Classification
- Botanical Name – Euryale ferox
- Family – Nymphaeaceae
Other Vernacular Names
- Makhan – The food that is used in religious rituals
- Padmbeejabh – That is seen just like the seeds of lotus
- Paneeyaphala – Fruits originated in the water or pond
- Anklodya – That lies on the surface of ponds
- In Hindi – Makhana
- In Bengali – Maakhnaa
- In Punjabi – Jaiver
- In Malayalam – Makanne
- In Gujarati – Makhanna
- In Telangana – Mellunipadminu
This is a stemless, aquatic plant, filled with thorns.
Its roots are thick and swollen,
Its leaves are 1-4 ft in diameter, and are circular in shape, with thorns, green from the upside and red or purplish in colour from the downside.
Its Flowers are 1-2 inches tall in height and are green in colour and are red and blue in colour.
Its fruits are round and circular in shape and are of the size of an orange.
Its plant got ready in January-February and the fruit ripened up to the time of May-June.
It is specifically found in northern Bihar state and in the ponds of Bengal and can also be found somewhere in Northern India.
Classical Categorisation
- Bhavprakash – Amradi phalavarga.
Ancient Verse
Shloka – 1
मखान्नम् पदम्बीजाभं पानीयफलमित्यपि ।
मखान्नं पदम्बीजस्य गुणैस्तुल्यं विनिर्दिशत्।।
Reference – Bhavprakash nighantu / Amradiphala
Interpretation of Shloka – Makhaan, padmbeejabham, and paneeyaphalam these all are the same and all the qualities are the same as that of the seeds of lotus.
Shloka – 2
मखान्नं स्निगधवृष्यं च गर्भस्थापकं परम् । ।
वातपित्त हरं बल्यं शीतं पित्तस्रदाहनुत्।।
Reference – Dravyagunna
Interpretation of Shloka – These are moist, aphrodisiac, and help in conception, are used to pacify vata and pitta dosha, useful in strengthening and pacifying pitta dosha, burning sensations, along with many bleeding disorders.
Ayurvedic Properties
- Rasa (Taste) – Madhur (Sweet)
- Guna (Quality) – Guru (Heavy), Snigadh (Moist)
- Veerya (Potency) – Sheeta (Cold)
- Vipaka (Post digestive effect) – Madhur (Sweet)
- Karma (Action) – Balances the Vata and Pitta dosha.
- Projyang (Part used) – Fruits are used
Effects on Doshas
- It is helpful in balancing the Vata and Pitta dosha.
- It is also helpful in maintaining and strengthening the heart muscles.
- It is good for solving menstrual problems.
- It is helpful in enhancing the sperm count, and storing the sperm, and is good in having a pregnancy.
- This helps to promote the strength to the body, and enhances the immune power, and is good in pacifying the burning sensation in the body.
Practical Uses
- This is used in Vata and pitta disorders.
- This is also used in heart diseases and is used in raktapitta diseases.
- Used as an aphrodisiac to improve the vigour power, ensures a safe pregnancy.
- Very beneficial in leucorrhea, and promotes strength after the delivery of a child.
- It can improve our strengthening capacity and immune power to fight out various disorders.
- This is a good absorbent plus used in gastro-intestinal disorders or grahani disorders like Irritable bowel syndrome.
- It is moist and oily in nature.
- It is used in Bleeding disorders, like bleeding from the nose, or heavy periods.
- It relieves burning eyes, gastritis, and neuropathies.
- It can also be used during the pregnancy period and lactation periods.
- It may cause constipation so take advice from your physician before using it.
5-10 grams
Ayurvedic Products
Paushtik Churna
It can be consumed like these seeds are set on the fire flame and are being roasted which helps them to open up like popcorns by breaking out their shells. Then it can be mixed with some Cow ghee and some essential spices like pepper or salt.
Some people just cook the soup of its seeds by boiling it in water with adding some of the spices to enhance its taste.
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