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Dashmularishta – Benefits, Usage, Indications and Dosage

Reference: Sharangadhara Samhita, Madhyamakhanda


Dashmularishta is clear dark brown liquid which does not lather and settle with pleasant aroma and bitter taste. It has ten roots along with other herbs, hence the name is “Dashmularishta”. This Ayurvedic liquid provides strength, enhances the immune system, help to bring an instant activity and vigor in your daily chores. It is used in indigestion, lack of taste, respiratory disorders, fistula, vomiting, anemia, liver diseases, skin diseases, piles, UTI & jaundice etc. Dashmularishta is used as a general health tonic. The liquid is also used for females who can’t conceive.


S. No. Name Latin Name Part Used Quantity
Kwatha dravya (Herbs for decoction)
1. Bilva Aegle marmelos 240 g
2. Shyonaka Oroxylum indicum 240 g
3. Gambhari Gmelina arborea 240 g
4. Patala Stereospermum chelonoides 240 g
5. Agnimantha Clerodendrum phlomidis 240 g
6. Shalaparni Desmodium gangeticum 240 g
7. Prishnparni Uraria picta 240 g
8. Brihati Solanum indicum 240 g
9. Kantakari Solanum surattense 240 g
10. Gokshura Tribulus terrestris 240 g
11. Chitraka Plumbago zeylanica 1.200 g
12. Pushkaramoola Inula racemosa 1.200 g
13. Lodhra Symplocos racemosa 960 g
14. Guduci Tinospora cordifolia 960 g
15. Amalaki Emblica officinalis 768 g
16. Duralabha Fagonia cretica 576 g
17. Khadira Acacia catechu 384 g
18. Kapittha Feronia limonia 96 g
19. Bibhitaka Terminalia bellirica 96 g
20. Punarnava Boerhaavia diffusa 96 g
21. Chavya Piper retrofractum 96 g
22. vijayasara Pterocarpus marsupium 384 g
23. Haritaki Terminalia chebula 384 g
24. Kushta Saussurea costus 96 g
25. Manjishtha Rubia cordifolia 96 g
26. Devadaru Cedrus deodara 96 g
27. Vidanga Embelia ribes 96 g
28. Yashtimadhu Glycyrrhiza glabra 96 g
29. Bharngi Clerodendrum serratum 96 g
30. Jatamansi Nardostachys jatamansi 96 g
31. Priyangu Callicarpa macrophylla 96 g
32. Sariva Hemidesmus indicus 96 g
33. Krishna jiraka Carum carvi 240 g
34. Trivrit Operculina turpethum 96 g
35. Renuka Vitex negundo 96 g
36. Rasna Pluchea lanceolata 96 g
37. Pippali Piper longum 96 g
38. Kramuka Areca catechu 96 g
39. Shathi Hedychium spicatum 96 g
40. Haridra Curcuma longa 96 g
41. Mahameda Asparagus racemosus 96 g
42. Kakoli Roscaea procera 96 g
43. Kshirakakoli Lilium polyphyllum Root 96 g
44. Riddhi Habenaria intermedia 96 g
45. Vriddhi Habenaria edgeworthii 96 g
46. Shatapushpa Anethum graveolens 96 g
47. Padmaka Prunus cerasoides 384 g
48. Nagakeshara Mesua ferrea 96 g
49. Musta Cyperus rotundus 96 g
50. Kutaja Holarrhena antidysenterica 96 g
51. Shringi Pistacia integerrima 96 g
52. Jivaka Pueraria tuberosa 96 g
53. Rishabhaka Microstylis wallichii 96 g
54. Sathi Valeriana officinalis 96 g
55. Meda Polygonatum verticillatum 96 g
56. Water for decoction 100.608 litres, Reduced to – 25.152 litres
57. Draksha Vitis vinifera 3.072 kg
58. Madhu 1.536 kg
Sandhana dravya (fermentative agents)
59. Guda (Jaggery) 19.200 kg
Prakshepa dravyas (Herbal additives for aroma and for accelerating process of fermentation)
60. Dhataki Woodfordia fruticosa 1.440 g
61. Kankola Piper cubeba 96 g
62. Jala Coleus vettiveroides 96 g
63. Chandana Santalum album 96 g
64. Jatiphala Myristica fragrans 96 g
65. Lavanga Syzygium aromaticum 96 g
66. Tvak Cinnamomum verum 96 g
67. Ela Elettaria cardamomum 96 g
68. Tejapatra Cinnamomum tamala 96 g
69. Nagakeshara Mesua ferrea 96 g
70. Pippali Piper longum 96 g
71. Kasturi Moschus moschiferus 3 g
72. Kataka Strychnos potatorum Q.S for cleaning

Method of Preparation

Firstly the first 54 drugs are to be washed, dried and powdered. After that add them in the given amount of water and soak overnight. Put them over heat and reduce the amount to half. Now, wash and crush the kwatha herb of the formulation. Add the given amount of water, soak it overnight, boil the mixture, reduces it to ¼ and strain to obtain kwatha.

Collect the kwatha in a single container and stir till they are fully incorporated. Grind the Prakshepa dravyas in a fine powder, add the remaining ingredient into the formulation and let it dissolve completely. Transfer the filtered product in a clean container, add dhataki, madhu and prakshepa dravyas. Seal the container, put it away for fermentation and keep checking after short span of time till its fully fermented.


15-25ml with equal quantity of water after meals twice daily.


Dashmularishta possess various medicinal properties like anti-oxidant, analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory along with rejuvenator, revitalizer and restorative activities that bring benefits in many diseases. It is quiet helpful in imparting strength & reducing weakness. Dashmularishta is an Ayurvedic tonic for female health that helps in recovery of post-delivery weakness. It prevents postpartum problems after delivery like infectious diseases of uterus, bladder and kidneys, backache, fatigue, excess discharge, sluggish uterus, swollen breasts and improves milk production in new mother. This Ayurvedic liquid is even helpful in managing postpartum depression and recovers the mental state of the women. It also refines complexion and enhances the glow of the skin post-delivery period. Dashmularishta is even beneficial in male to improve fertility and suitable in case of semen deficiency. Suitable to reduce pain occurring during menstruation. It can eradicates toxin away from the body and supply nourishment to the body. This liquid can manage inflammatory condition of joints. Beneficial effects in other condition like piles, jaundice, anemia and urinary problems like excessive flow of urine or its retention. It is also suitable natural remedy for neurological diseases and good enough to provide strength to muscles, bones, ligaments and improves immunity.


  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Anorexia
  • Vomiting
  • Cough
  • Backache
  • Breathlessness
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Jaundice
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Indigestion
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sciatica
  • Neuralgia
  • Postpartum weakness
  • Anemia
  • Swollen breast
  • Dysuria
  • Infertility
  • Malnutrition
  • General weakness
  • Lack of sperm count


  • Heart burn
  • Diarrhea with burning sensation in anus
  • Excessive thirst
  • Mouth ulcers

It shouldn’t be taken in severe burning sensation as it can worsen the problem, if it is still required to be taken then it should be taken with licorice [mulethi] or other herbs that have a cooling effect on the digestive system like coriander & cumin etc.

It should be avoided during pregnancy but it is safe in lactating mothers as it promotes breast milk supply.

Note:- This is pure classical Ayurvedic medicine and should be strictly consumed only after prescription of an Ayurvedic doctor and to be taken under medical supervision only.


What is Dashmularishta?

It is an Ayurvedic medicine in liquid form which has the properties to work as a health tonic and pain reliever.

Dashmularishta is beneficial in all health issues or not ?

Dashmularishta is very helpful and is used in managing many health problems like –

  • Infection in uterus, bladder and kidneys
  • Fatigue and backache
  • The Pain in perineal areas
  • Excessive discharge
  • Reduces the weakness
  • Depression
  • Sluggish uterus
  • Swollen breasts
  • Pain killer
  • Provides strength to muscles, bones, and ligaments
  • Improves immunity

What are the medicinal properties of Dashmularishta?

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-arthritic
  • Carminative
  • Digestive Stimulant
  • Haematinic (increases hemoglobin levels)
  • Hematogenic (helps in the formation of red blood cells)
  • Mild natural Analgesic
  • Muscle relaxant
  • Mild anthelmintic (due to vidanga)
  • Antioxidant
  • Antibacterial
  • Adaptogenic
  • Anti-stress
  • Antidepressant

Does Dashmularishta contain non-herbal ingredients?

Dashmularishta is an ayurvedic tonic and all the ingredients used in it are herbal.

What is the effect on Vata-Pitta or Kapha of Dashmularishta?

Dashmularishta is a health tonic which balances all three doshas but mainly pacifies vitiated Vata dosha.

Can I take Dashmularishta during periods?

Yes, can take in periods because it pacifies the vata dosha and manages the excess blood flow and eases the pain of periods.

Can I take Dashmularishta during pregnancy?

Yes, a pregnant woman can take Dashmularishta because it is a health tonic.

How long can we take Dashmularishta?

Dashmularishta is a health tonic and very beneficial for many health issues so it has no specific limit for its usage. It completely depends on the health problem one is suffering from and the recommended duration. It is safe and can be used for a longer duration but under the supervision of an Ayurvedic physician.

Can prolonged use of Dashmularishta cause damage to the liver?

No, it does not cause any damage to the liver. This herbal tonic is beneficial for the liver. The herbal ingredients used in it improve liver functions.

Does Dashmularishta have an expiry date?

The Ayurvedic literature says Arishta and Asava including Dashmularishta are best when they get old and they don’t have any expiry date.

What are the chief indications of Dashmularishta?

  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Anorexia
  • Vomiting
  • Cough
  • Backache
  • Breathlessness
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Jaundice
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Indigestion
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sciatica
  • Neuralgia
  • Postpartum weakness
  • Anemia
  • Swollen breast
  • Dysuria
  • Infertility
  • Malnutrition
  • General weakness
  • Lack of sperm count

What is the best time to take Dashmularishta?

Dashmularishta can be taken twice a day after a meal and the dose will be always as the recommendation.

What is the description of Dashmularishta?

It is Clear dark brown liquid without froth and significant sedimentation. It has an aromatic odor and bitter taste.

When to consume Dashmularishta, empty stomach, before food or after food?

Dashmularishta can be taken twice a day after meals.

What are the therapeutic indications of Dashmularishta for the woman?

  • Dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps)
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Backache
  • Uterus sluggishness
  • Perineal pain
  • Swollen breasts
  • For the prevention of uterine infections and Postpartum complications
  • Postpartum fatigue
  • Postpartum appetite loss
  • Postpartum depression (baby blues) along with Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
  • Postpartum weakness
  • Anemia after pregnancy

What are the therapeutic indications of Dashmularishta for digestion?

  • Loss of appetite
  • Indigestion
  • Gas
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – rarely used
  • Jaundice
  • Piles

How is Dashmularishta helpful in loss of appetite?

Dashmularishta increases the digestive fire and improves the digestion. It also has the property to pacify the Vata dosha. Due to these functions, it increases the appetite and helps in treating indigestion.

How is Dashmularishta beneficial in physical weakness?

Dashmularishta is a formulation of the herbs, which provides energy and improves physical strength. After physical exhaustion, this health tonic provides relief from pain, physical stress and supports joints, muscles, and ligaments.

How does Dashmularishta improve immunity?

Dashmularishta improves immunity as it consists of immunomodulator herbs. All the medicinal benefits of the herbs used in it are present in this herbal tonic which makes it beneficial for health.

What happens in case of an overdose of Dashmularishta?

Dashmularishta does not contain any chemical substance so it is safe to be used. It has no side effects. If it is taken in a very high dose or on an empty stomach then mild gastric irritation may occur so it is always advised to take it after meals. Dashmularishta is safe even for the newborn baby and the lactating mothers.

Can a diabetic person take Dashmularishta?

Yes, it can be taken but the blood sugar level should always be checked and monitored while consuming it.

I have acidity problems. Can I take Dashmularishta?

Dashmularishta has the properties which make it beneficial in problems related to digestion and also manages the symptoms of it like-bloating, gas, heaviness of stomach, low digestion strength, burning sensation in stomach. Dose- 10 ml of Dashmularishta, mixed with 10 ml water 2 times a day after meals will help to get rid of it and should be taken at least a month or 2 for the complete recovery

What are the Ayurvedic properties of Dashmularishta?

  • Taste – sweet, bitter, astringent, pungent
  • Qualities – strong, piercing, hot, light (laghu, ushna, teekshna guna)
  • Vipaka – after digestion taste conversion – Ushna – Katu – pungent.
  • Veerya – potency – hot.

How does Dashmularistha improve the skin quality?

Dashmularishta is a healthy tonic. It has very effective properties in it which makes it beneficial for the whole body along with the skin. Use of Dashmularishta improves the skin quality and gives freshness to it.

Does Dashmularistha increase stamina?

Yes, it provides physical and mental strength, and also increases stamina. This herbal tonic increases the strength and stamina of the body.

Will Dashmularistha help in maintaining youthfulness?

Dashmularistha has the properties to maintain and manage overall health. It is helpful and effective in curing disease along with it has the potency to keep one young. We can say it reduces the aging effects.

Does Dashmularistha support female health?

This herbal health tonic is very effective in improving and maintaining female health. The herbs used in the formulation of this tonic have the properties to overcome the weakness faced by females. It is helpful in overcoming the weakness after childbirth. Dashmularishta is considered to be very useful and effective medicine as it helps to overcome weakness and fatigue in women.

What is the Ayurvedic action of Dashmularishta?

  • Deepana (carminative), Pachana (digestive),
  • Ruchya (appetizer), Vata Anulomana (anti flatulent),
  • Shoolahara (antispasmodic), Grahi (absorbent), Balya (tonic)

Are there any Pathya (diet rules) to be followed while taking this product?

There is not any specific diet suggested to be taken along with it but for better results avoid-excess spicy foods, junk foods, aerated drinks, frozen and canned foods

Which are the main ingredients of Dashmularishta?

Pushkarmoola (Indula racemosa) is the main ingredient because its quantity used in the formulation is much more in comparison to other herbs. Click here for more information about Pushkarmoola.

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