Arukaladi Tailam

Reference – Sahasrayogam Parisishta Prakarana (Tailam) – 7


Arukaladi Tailam is a herbal oil formulation mentioned in the classical text of Sahasrayogam. It is mainly used for managing jaundice and anemia. This oil is applied externally over the head. This oil contains oil soluble and water soluble phyto active principles of herbs. So here we will discuss arukaladi tailam ingredients, method of preparation, uses and dosage.


This oil is a skin care medicinal preparation to relieve hepatic conditions. It is usually prepared in til tailam (sesame oil) as a base.  It is mainly effective in the prophylactic period of jaundice. In this herbal oil, herbs are infused with sesame oil and water decoction. It is also considered safe during lactation and pregnancy.

Classical Indication

In classical texts, arukaladi tailam is indicated in tridoshaj kamala (jaundice) and anaemia. It balances pitta and kapha at the level of skin.


Kalka Dravya

Rambha moola (kadli kand) (Musa sapientum, rhizome)

Sneha Dravya

Tila taila (Sesame oil)

Drava Dravya

  • Bhringraj (Eclipta alba)
  • Amruta/ guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • Gojihwa (Eliphantous scaber)
  • Durva (Cynodon dactylon)
  • Sakralatha (Cardiospermum halicacabum)
  • Rambha mool (Musa sapientum, rhizome)

Benefits Of Ingredients

  • Rambha moola- It is used to prevent and treat various diseases having infections or inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory effect. It has antibiotic and antibacterial properties. It corrects stomach ulcers and low levels of potassium (hypokalemia).
  • Bhringraj – It is widely used for hepatic conditions such as jaundice and gastrointestinal disorders. It also helps in healing wounds and corrects spleen enlargement.
  • Amruta / Guduchi- It has anti allergic, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. It corrects upset stomach, hepatitis and peptic ulcer disease. It acts as an antioxidant and boosts our immune system.
  • Gojihwa- It is an astringent agent used for managing hepatitis and bladder stones. It is a traditional plant used for wound healing and eczema patients.
  • Durva- It is helpful in various viral infections and allergic conditions. It eliminates aggravated kapha and pitta disorders. It is a rich source of vitamin C and carotene.
  • Sakralatha- It is used to treat abdominal pain and various skin disorders. It is a traditional medicine used in nervous disorders and has antioxidant properties and fights against environmental stress.
  • Tila taila- It helps to prevent inflammation and prevent skin from sun damage. It reduces the level of serum, lowers cholesterol and corrects fatty liver. It also decreases oxidative stress and swelling.

Method Of Preparation

Following are the steps to prepare Arukaladi Tailam such as-

  • Firstly all the drugs mentioned above are collected and washed properly.
  • Then kalka dravya (paste) and Drava dravya (kshaya/ decoction) are mixed properly.
  • At last add tailam/oil and keep it for boiling.
  • Stir the solution well and continuously so not to adhere to the vessel.
  • When all drvyas are evaporated, kalka is taken out and tested from time to time for paka.
  • For abhyanga khara paka is indicated and the oil obtained will have colour, odour, taste of drugs used.


The properties of arukaladi tailam are given as follows-

  • Used for hepato billiray diseases
  • It has an anti-inflammatory property
  • Also acts as liver detoxification
  • It has nourishing property
  • Have anti-microbial activity


Arukaladi Tailam is indicated in following conditions-

  • Tridoshaj kamala (jaundice)
  • Anemia
  • Hepatitis


No such contraindication as it can be taken by pregnant females and during menstruation also.


Applied externally/ locally over head region.


Pungent and Bitter


According to drugs or like oil


Above mentioned herbal oil preparation is very effective in hepatic disorders. In this oil formulation, herbs are infused in the medium of sesame oil along with water decoction. It is applied locally on the head region and is very effective. This arukaladi oil is mentioned in our classics and is very helpful in liver functioning and reducing any type of inflammation.